It looks like pycurl requires its version match that of curl. Anyway, there's some nastiness from repoman as the latest stable version requires a version of curl that is no longer in the tree. The current curl version(s) in the tree are 7.15.1 (arch) and 7.15.3 (~arch). Because of this, I think pycurl should be stabilized, but I leave the decision up to the maintainers. Target KEYWORDS="amd64 ppc ppc64 sparc x86" Please add the arch teams if you guys would like this done.
Since it looks like pycurl-7.13.1 actually compiles and works happily with curl-7.15.{1-r1,3} I just changed the dep from >= to = (other pycurl ebuilds including 7.13.2 already have that >= dep so I am fairly confident this is sane even though my testing was a bit brief). Since pycurl-7.15.[13] have been in the tree for less than one month I am going to close this LATER for now. Please reopen if I missed something.
That works for me. I just didn't like that we had a broken stable pycurl on like every arch and wasn't familiar enough with the package to recommend anything else. Thanks for the quick response.