When running "emerge -uva =epiphany-2.14.0" today I've got this message: - www-client/epiphany-2.14.0 (masked by: package.mask) # John N. Laliberte <allanonjl@gentoo.org> (12 Mar 2006) # GNOME 2.14 mask. You must follow instructions here: # http://d.g.o/~allanonjl/gnome/2.13/adding.from.overlay.txt # for adding files from our overlay. #Most of these packages will break/not compile because of eclass #changes that won't be made until every package is in the tree. #Don't unmask these and don't file bugs for them # Start GNOME 2.14 mask Ok, time for some other big unmasking. Well, but what the heck is "d.g.o" my DNS doesn't know such host, and as I am just a user, I also don't know how to expand that name. Tried "developer.gnome.org" and "desktop.gentoo.org". None of them worked. Guess you should reconsider your policy of using abbrevations in package.mask, as those comments are intended for users and therefor visible to users not knowing every dirty detail of Gentoo.
this comment is not intended for users. It is intended for gentoo developers migrating our 2.14 ebuilds from our overlay into the official portage tree. It stands for dev.gentoo.org.