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Bug 125074 - ip28 useflag to be global ?
Summary: ip28 useflag to be global ?
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High trivial
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
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Reported: 2006-03-05 05:37 UTC by Stéphane Gimenez
Modified: 2006-03-05 06:19 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Stéphane Gimenez 2006-03-05 05:37:58 UTC
Probably the 'ip28' use flag should be made global, or at least descriptions should be unified. Here's the 5 different occurences of that use flag in ebuilds:

ip28(sys-kernel/mips-headers): Enables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-boot/arcboot): Disables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-devel/gcc): Enable building a compiler capable of building a kernel for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-kernel/mips-sources): Enables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-devel/gcc-mips64): Enable building a compiler capable of building a kernel for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)

Comment 1 Stéphane Gimenez 2006-03-05 05:37:58 UTC
Probably the 'ip28' use flag should be made global, or at least descriptions should be unified. Here's the 5 different occurences of that use flag in ebuilds:

ip28(sys-kernel/mips-headers): Enables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-boot/arcboot): Disables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-devel/gcc): Enable building a compiler capable of building a kernel for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-kernel/mips-sources): Enables support for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)
ip28(sys-devel/gcc-mips64): Enable building a compiler capable of building a kernel for SGI Indigo2 Impact R10000 (IP28)

Comment 2 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-03-05 06:19:59 UTC
I can't see anything wrong with the descriptions. 5 ebuilds aren't worth a very specific global keyword.