It'd be really nice to include the madwifi drivers in the next release CD. I know they are ~x86, but its pretty hard to emerge without them. Having converted to all wireless here I guess I'll have to go run some cable to reinstall on the laptop.. :s Or.. perhaps you have a nicer suggestion or a pointer to files at least for 2006.0 :) I have the minimal x86 and live cd.
We don't include any drivers that are not marked stable as a matter of policy. Feel free to reopen this bug when the drivers are marked stable and we will add them. You can *always* do a networkless install, at any rate.
Yes, I just wanted to do a ~x86 stage 1, convert to gcc 4.1.0, then xorg 7.0 etc etc.. for an experiment, which is now working and rock solid. I'll reopen once and if, madwifi goes stable. Thanks