In line 235 in the xml there is the following code: <pre caption="Compiling and installing the new kernel"> # <i>make && make modules_install</i> # <i>mount /boot</i> # <i>cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage-2.6.9-gentoo-r2</i> </pre> later kernels have a `make install` feature. Unfortunately, some arches do not support this (my ppc box can't do a make install for example). So something like this could be a bit more usefull: <pre caption="Compiling and installing the new kernel"> # <i>make && make modules_install</i> # <i>mount /boot</i> # <i>cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/bzImage-2.6.9-gentoo-r2</i> </pre> <note> Some kernels support the <c>make install</c> target. This will install a kernel image for you in <path>/boot</path> (it must be mounted however!). It will tell you where the new kernel image is installed, and also where to place it in your bootloader config file. This reduces the above down to <c>mount /boot && make && make modules_install install</c>. </note>
/sbin/installkernel (the script doing the actual work) copies as well, which is not needed. Please ask sys-apps/debianutils' maintainer to fix that at first. And are you really really sure that saving one line of code is worth adding one paragraph of text? WONTFIX for now.