Description: When ifplugd starts, it doesn't stop running interfaces that are disconnected. This means problems with interfaces that are dhcp'ed and have some aliases (because aliases start the interface, and when it's later plugged in, dhcp doesn't start) To reproduce: (for example) [/etc/conf.d/net] iface_eth0="dhcp" <---should receive 192.168.... dhcpcd_eth0="-t 5" alias_eth0="" <---just some IP that I need [/etc/conf.d/ifplugd set for eth0] ..then boot without cable, dhcp fails but interface is started by alias. When the cable comes, ifplugd maybe tries to start interface, but nothing happens. Possible fixes: - configure ifplugd so that it stops disconnected interfaces at 'ifplugd start'. - set ifplugd NOT to start interfaces with '/etc/init.d/.. start', BUT with '/etc/init.d/... restart' instead, so that badly configured interface is stopped and replaced. - when dhcp on eth* fails, aliases shouldn't be set. See also: This bug is similar to #48482, which is marked as fixed, but appears not. (I checked baselayout and ifplugd versions twice ;) ) ------------------------------------------------------- Just to be complete, my emerge info: Portage 2.0.54 (default-linux/x86/2005.0, gcc-3.3.6, glibc-2.3.5-r2, 2.6.13-gentoo-r3 i686) ================================================================= System uname: 2.6.13-gentoo-r3 i686 AMD Athlon(tm) processor Gentoo Base System version 1.6.14 ccache version 2.3 [disabled] dev-lang/python: 2.3.5, 2.4.2 sys-apps/sandbox: 1.2.12 sys-devel/autoconf: 2.13, 2.59-r6 sys-devel/automake: 1.4_p6, 1.5, 1.6.3, 1.7.9-r1, 1.8.5-r3, 1.9.6-r1 sys-devel/binutils: 2.16.1 sys-devel/libtool: 1.5.22 virtual/os-headers: 2.6.11-r2 ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86" AUTOCLEAN="yes" CBUILD="i686-pc-linux-gnu" CFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" CHOST="i686-pc-linux-gnu" CONFIG_PROTECT="/etc /usr/kde/2/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/env /usr/kde/3.3/share/config /usr/kde/3.3/shutdown /usr/kde/3.4/env /usr/kde/3.4/share/config /usr/kde/3.4/shutdown /usr/kde/3/share/config /usr/lib/X11/xkb /usr/share/config /var/qmail/control" CONFIG_PROTECT_MASK="/etc/gconf /etc/terminfo /etc/env.d" CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" DISTDIR="/usr/portage/distfiles" FEATURES="autoconfig distlocks sandbox sfperms strict" GENTOO_MIRRORS="" MAKEOPTS="-j2" PKGDIR="/usr/portage/packages" PORTAGE_TMPDIR="/var/tmp" PORTDIR="/usr/portage" SYNC="rsync://" USE="x86 3dnow 3dnowext X a52 alsa apm arts audiofile avi bitmap-fonts bzip2 cdr crypt cups curl divx4linux dvd dvdr dvdread emboss encode esd exif expat fam fastcgi ffmpeg firefox flac foomatic foomaticdb fortran gd gdbm gif glut gmp gpm gstreamer gtk gtk2 icq idn imagemagick imap imlib ipv6 java javascript jpeg junit kde lcms libg++ libwww lm_sensors mad maildir mhash mikmod mmx mmxext mng motif mozilla mp3 mpeg ncurses nls ogg oggvorbis openal opengl oss pam pcre pdflib perl php png ppds python qt quicktime readline sasl sdl slang speex spell sqlite ssl svga tcltk tcpd tiff truetype truetype-fonts type1-fonts udev unicode usb vorbis win32codecs xine xml2 xmms xv xvid zlib userland_GNU kernel_linux elibc_glibc" Unset: ASFLAGS, CTARGET, LANG, LC_ALL, LDFLAGS, LINGUAS, PORTDIR_OVERLAY
(In reply to comment #0) > When ifplugd starts, it doesn't stop running interfaces that are disconnected. 100% correct. The solution is to emerge baselayout-1.12.0_pre16 has it has inbuilt ifplugd support. Remove the ifplugd init script from the default runlevel. If you don't use coldplug then add net.eth0 to the default runlevel. Also, you're config may need to be updated to the new syntax. Here's it done for you. config_eth0=( "dhcp" "" ) There's no point in specifying a dhcpcd timeout when the interface is fully under the control of ifplugd, which it is for baselayout-1.12.0_pre16 :) Re-open if you disagree