I'd like to report that the Free Pascal compiler, the i386 edition (to create 32 bit executables), will not run on an x86_64 Gentoo system. The compiler expects the 32-bit crti.o to be in /usr/lib. The compiler is right to expect so, according to the x86_64 ABI: http://www.x86-64.org/documentation/abi-0.96.pdf, page 104. A workaround would be to search first in /lib32 and then in /lib. Unfortunately this is not possible since I have no control over where ld will search first. So, I cannot fix this. I don't expect Gentoo will change its library paths, for whatever good reasons you might have had to violate the x86_64 ABI, just to let you know it doesn't work.
Which ebuild is this about?