The gtk+ 1.2 ebuild needs to ln -s /usr/bin/gtk-config /usr/bin/gtk12-config because a couple of programs I've been installing I've noticed look for gtk12-config instead of gtk-config.
like what programs, anything in portage ?
There was a patch for lame to "fix" this: gtk12-config is a workaround for distributions that dont have versions in their package-manager, or who's users firmly believe that the version-number is part of the package name.. * cough cough * We shouldnt have to incorporate it since it isn't necessary, it is imo. better to patch the borked packages and submit those patches upstream with a pleasant note that there is no gtk12-config from gtk+-1.2 packages, and that it is gtk-config . Marking this as invalid
Well lame still looks for gtk12-config so it's not patched in Portage. Might wanna make that patch.
Hmm something odd, i have lame too and i don't have gtk12-config. It must be something local triggering it.