The url points to a discussion in the forums about using portage to manage the process of installing custom kernel patches. It summarizes the situation well. In summary, the basic goal is to add support to kernel-2.eclass that makes it easier for someone to manage their own set of kernel patches using the 'Gentoo way'. I will be attaching a patch to kernel-2.eclass that adds this support. The patch is quite straight forward with very minor code chages. While on this topic, I would also like to suggest that the 0000_README file included in the genpatches tarballs be added to the genpatches infopage ( If this patch is accepted, a patch range (like 9000-9999) should be reserved for local patches so that people adding their own pages have their own numbering range to work in. I suggest 9xxx because any local patches should be against the gentoo sources. Applying local patches last would help ensure that.
Created attachment 78121 [details, diff] Adds support for applying local patches to the kernel sources
Thanks for the patch, and it certainly looks clean and like its a usefulk feature for many, however that said it does unfortunately put us in a position where we would not be able to support any kernel installed through portage. Might I suggest linking to the above patch/this bug for those who still need it but please remember, this cannot be supported. Thanks again.