Found that all newer nVidia drivers than version 7676 do have the same failure. Currently I use 1.0.8178 since it was spreaded without any failure, but today X did start. Here is the error message from Xorg I got: ------------------------------------------ API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module is version 1.0.8178, but this library is version 1.0.7676. Please be sure that your kernel module and all NVIDIA driver files have the same driver version. Here is what I found to resolve this issue: ------------------------------------------- I folder "/usr/lib64/modules/drivers" are to files: 1) 2) nvidia_drv.o Did take a hexeditor and had a look into "" I see it was from version 1.0.7676, and nvidia_drv.o was version 1.0.8178. So I copied over nvidia_drv.o to and startx did work again. Possibly this failure do exist in the orriginal nvidia runscript too, but did not check that. If it help others? I found such a failure report in the forum too: Hope this fix is ok. Regards, Georg is the proper place for this. Thanks.