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Bug 117208 - Pixel image editor (new ebuild)
Summary: Pixel image editor (new ebuild)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Default Assignee for New Packages
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-12-30 08:21 UTC by Nathan Adams
Modified: 2018-06-07 18:25 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

pixel-demo-bin-524.ebuild (pixel-demo-bin-524.ebuild,986 bytes, text/plain)
2006-04-18 00:40 UTC, Tristan Heaven (RETIRED)
pixel-demo-524.ebuild (pixel-demo-524.ebuild,1008 bytes, text/plain)
2006-04-26 02:55 UTC, Tristan Heaven (RETIRED)
pixel-demo-560.ebuild (pixel-demo-560.ebuild,1.04 KB, text/plain)
2006-11-29 13:58 UTC, Pavel Kanzelsberger
update 560 ebuild (pixel-560.ebuild,1.03 KB, text/plain)
2006-12-28 07:31 UTC, Alan Jones
update 560 ebuild (pixel-560.ebuild,1.04 KB, text/plain)
2006-12-28 07:46 UTC, Alan Jones
media-gfx/pixel-demo/pixel-demo-1.0_beta6.ebuild (pixel-demo-1.0_beta6.ebuild,1.55 KB, text/plain)
2007-09-12 22:57 UTC, Peter Fern
media-gfx/pixel-demo/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7.ebuild (pixel-demo-1.0_beta7.ebuild,1.48 KB, text/plain)
2007-09-12 23:02 UTC, Peter Fern
media-gfx/pixel-demo/pixel-demo-1.0_beta6.ebuild (pixel-demo-1.0_beta6.ebuild,1.56 KB, text/plain)
2007-09-12 23:09 UTC, Peter Fern
media-gfx/pixel/pixel-1.0_beta6.ebuild (pixel-1.0_beta6.ebuild,1.45 KB, text/plain)
2007-09-12 23:36 UTC, Peter Fern
media-gfx/pixel-demo/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7.ebuild (pixel-demo-1.0_beta7.ebuild,1.84 KB, text/plain)
2007-12-30 06:08 UTC, Michael
media-gfx/pixel/pixel-1.0_beta7.ebuild (pixel-1.0_beta7.ebuild,2.33 KB, text/plain)
2007-12-30 06:11 UTC, Michael

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Nathan Adams 2005-12-30 08:21:05 UTC
An ebuild for the Pixel image editor is needed. I'll create one if I find the time/motivation, otherwise attach your ebuild here. :)
Comment 1 Tristan Heaven (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-01-20 20:19:38 UTC
I don't think this has much chance of getting into portage in it's current state.

- The only download available is a self extracting, graphical installer.

- According to a Gentoo user on Pixel's forums, Pixel was disabled after an upgrade to baselayout and required him to obtain a new licence!
Comment 2 Pavel Kanzelsberger 2006-04-10 02:40:36 UTC
I just released new Pixel demo and it is available in .tar.bz2 format also:

Download link is here:

libSDL and libfreetype are required.

Enhance packages:
lcms, cups, jasper, dcraw and sane-backends will enhance Pixel functionality when installed.

(In reply to comment #1)
> I don't think this has much chance of getting into portage in it's current
> state.
> - The only download available is a self extracting, graphical installer.
> - According to a Gentoo user on Pixel's forums, Pixel was disabled after an
> upgrade to baselayout and required him to obtain a new licence!
Comment 3 Tristan Heaven (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-04-18 00:40:49 UTC
Created attachment 84879 [details]
Comment 4 Tristan Heaven (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-04-26 02:55:51 UTC
Created attachment 85523 [details]
Comment 5 Pavel Kanzelsberger 2006-05-04 05:36:59 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> Created an attachment (id=85523) [edit]
> pixel-demo-524.ebuild

When do you think, this appears in portage?
Comment 6 Tristan Heaven (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-05-04 05:43:53 UTC
Could be days, months or years.
Comment 7 Pavel Kanzelsberger 2006-05-04 11:42:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Could be days, months or years.

Thank you for your reply. But... could be years? Newer builds will appear till then ;-)
Comment 8 Ryan 2006-07-10 10:47:48 UTC
Tristan was being a bit sarcastic, but it could take a while.  

If I were a betting man, I don't imagine any of the pre-releases making it into portage, unless the demand for it comes from the community.

And while newer resleases will be made, they will conitinue to be updated here by the people who use them.  There are quite a few ebuilds in the bugzilla that are still haven't made it to the portage tree yet because there isn't a demand for the application and thus not enough people to test the ebuild or the program.
Comment 9 Nathan Adams 2006-08-15 18:24:37 UTC
QA Notice: the following files contain executable stacks
 Files with executable stacks will not work properly (or at all!)
 on some architectures/operating systems.  A bug should be filed
 at to make sure the file is fixed.
 For more information, see
 Please include this file in your report:
"RWX --- --- opt/Pixel/pixel"

# cat /var/tmp/portage/pixel-demo-524/temp/scanelf-execstack.log
RWX --- --- work/Pixel/pixel
RWX --- --- image/opt/Pixel/pixel

Pavel: Any chance you'll release the source as F/OSS? The chances of pixel making it into Gentoo (and other distros) would be much higher. =)
Comment 10 Pavel Kanzelsberger 2006-11-29 13:58:37 UTC
Created attachment 103024 [details]

Updated for build 560, since build 524 is not available on server anymore. Added spellcheck and openexr USE flags.
Comment 11 Alan Jones 2006-12-28 07:31:57 UTC
Created attachment 104849 [details]
update 560 ebuild

There was a small typo in the existing 560 ebuild (hadn't removed " before adding new use flag).

BTW I'd like to see this make portage :-)


Comment 12 Alan Jones 2006-12-28 07:46:37 UTC
Created attachment 104850 [details]
update 560 ebuild

There was a small typo in the existing 560 ebuild (hadn't removed " before adding new use flag).


Comment 13 Alan Jones 2006-12-28 07:47:41 UTC
sorry - got a server error on the first submit - so it should probably be killed.


Comment 14 Steven 2007-01-22 20:23:30 UTC
Finally , adjustment layers :-)

I also would like to see pixel in portage! 
Comment 15 Steven 2007-01-22 20:39:47 UTC
I've put a request on the forum to add this to portage:

I hope lots of people will support this question and buy the software, so that it will appear in the portage tree, people buy this progam and Pavel can find the necessary resources to continue developing :-)

Comment 16 gentoo 2007-06-13 16:24:03 UTC
Would love to see this Portage too.

How about adding this to the Sunrise overlay for the time being (until it gets into Portage)?
Comment 17 Peter Fern 2007-09-11 05:38:21 UTC
+1 support to get this into sunrise at least, has anyone volunteered for maint?
Comment 18 Peter Fern 2007-09-12 22:57:44 UTC
Created attachment 130770 [details]

Refactored ebuild - since different build numbers represent the same release on different platforms, altered ebuild to reflect this, changed 'spellcheck' USE flag to existing 'spell' flag.
Comment 19 Peter Fern 2007-09-12 23:02:10 UTC
Created attachment 130771 [details]

This is an interim ebuild - as beta7 has not been released for amd64 I have removed the SRC_URI and KEYWORD for that architecture so that x86 can grab it now if they want.

These ebuilds also contain additional einfos and ewarns.
Comment 20 Peter Fern 2007-09-12 23:09:05 UTC
Created attachment 130773 [details]

Forgot amd64 keyword.  Also note, fetch restrictions are now enabled since the vendor has moved to session-based downloads.
Comment 21 Peter Fern 2007-09-12 23:36:40 UTC
Created attachment 130779 [details]

And the full version ebuild for beta6.

I'll be writing some new ebuilds to provide libsane, libIlmImf and libaspell in an emul-linux-x86 package sometime in the next few days, and adding the relevant deps for this arch to the above ebuilds.  If anyone else feels like tackling PPC, please feel free.
Comment 22 Rob 2007-10-08 03:39:18 UTC
Current beta7 ebuild is broken.  Here is the output from my emerge:

>>> Emerging (1 of 1) media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7 to /
 * pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz MD5 ;-) ...                         [ ok ]
 * pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz RMD160 ;-) ...                      [ ok ]
 * pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz SHA1 ;-) ...                        [ ok ]
 * pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz SHA256 ;-) ...                      [ ok ]
 * pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz size ;-) ...                        [ ok ]
 * checking ebuild checksums ;-) ...                                      [ ok ]
 * checking auxfile checksums ;-) ...                                     [ ok ]
 * checking miscfile checksums ;-) ...                                    [ ok ]
 * checking pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz ;-) ...                    [ ok ]
>>> Unpacking source...
>>> Unpacking pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz to /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7/work
>>> Source unpacked.
>>> Compiling source in /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7/work ...
>>> Source compiled.
>>> Test phase [not enabled]: media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7

>>> Install pixel-demo-1.0_beta7 into /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7/image/ category media-gfx
install: cannot stat `Pixel': No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access `/var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7/image//opt/Pixel/pixel': No such file or directory
>>> Completed installing pixel-demo-1.0_beta7 into /var/tmp/portage/media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7/image/

>>> Merging media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7 to /
--- /opt/
--- /opt/bin/
--- /usr/
--- /usr/share/
--- /usr/share/applications/
>>> /usr/share/applications/pixel-pixel-demo.desktop
--- /usr/share/pixmaps/
>>> /opt/bin/pixel -> /opt/Pixel/pixel
>>> /usr/share/pixmaps/pixel.png -> /opt/Pixel/pixel32.png

 * Upstream provides the following warning:

 * If youâre upgrading from older version it is recommended to delete
 * configuration file from ~/.pixel/linux.ini as it might be missing 
 * new configuration entries.

>>> media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7 merged.
>>> Recording media-gfx/pixel-demo in "world" favorites file...

>>> No packages selected for removal by clean
>>> Auto-cleaning packages...

>>> No outdated packages were found on your system.

(In reply to comment #19)
> Created an attachment (id=130771) [edit]
> media-gfx/pixel-demo/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7.ebuild
> This is an interim ebuild - as beta7 has not been released for amd64 I have
> removed the SRC_URI and KEYWORD for that architecture so that x86 can grab it
> now if they want.
> These ebuilds also contain additional einfos and ewarns.

Comment 23 Michael 2007-12-30 06:05:17 UTC
(In reply to comment #22)
> Current beta7 ebuild is broken.  Here is the output from my emerge:

That because the ebuild downloads the file with a binary installer. Which is no good.

I uploaded working ebuilds for media-gfx/pixel-demo-1.0_beta7.ebuild and media-gfx/pixel-1.0_beta7.ebuild

only one or another can be installed at one time since they are blockers for each other since they both install to the same folder.


When dowloading file for x86 you need to download pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux-nosetup.x86.tar.bz2 NOT pixeldemo-1.0.699-linux.x86.tar.gz


for pixeldemo x86 64bit just follow the standard download link for:
 Pixel  	1.0  	Beta 7  	699  	x86 64bit  	Linux  	2007-09-15   


For pixel-1.0_beta7 the download procedure is a bit complicated. It can only be downloaded from member section by clicking on 

Pixel    1.0    Beta 6    576    x86    Linux    2006-11-28 download

then scrolling down to:

Notice: If you’re interested in non-released non-finished Beta7 for Linux, its snapshot is available here.

and clicking the "here" link


For pixel x86 64bit download:

Pixel 	1.0 	Beta 7 	699 	x86-64cmpt 	Linux 	2007-09-15

The information taken from:

Comment 24 Michael 2007-12-30 06:08:25 UTC
Created attachment 139608 [details]

ebuild for pixel-demo-1.0_beta7 build 699
Comment 25 Michael 2007-12-30 06:11:53 UTC
Created attachment 139609 [details]

pixel-1.0_beta7.ebuild build 699
Comment 26 Steve Herber 2008-02-03 19:44:56 UTC
I found this page which addresses the lack of some 32 bit libraries:
Comment 27 Steve Herber 2008-03-04 09:12:37 UTC
(In reply to comment #26)
> I found this page which addresses the lack of some 32 bit libraries:
Something has happened to their page but it was still in the google cache:
Comment 28 Iskren Slavov 2010-06-13 10:12:36 UTC
I've been searching for beta8 on Google and I found this:


(In reply to comment #27)
> (In reply to comment #26)
> > I found this page which addresses the lack of some 32 bit libraries:
> > 
> >
> > 
> Something has happened to their page but it was still in the google cache:

Comment 29 Peter Fern 2010-06-13 11:30:49 UTC
(In reply to comment #28)
> I've been searching for beta8 on Google and I found this:
> :)

Your smiley is misplaced - you'll notice the date is 5 May 2009, and Pixel remains as much vapourware today as it ever was.  I must say that I regret having given Pavel my money all those years ago, but I digress, and this is not the correct forum for these thoughts.  Carry on.