The JDBC driver for postgresql fails to build using Java 1.5 aka Tiger, due to missing compiler flag: compile: [javac] Compiling 129 source files to /var/tmp/portage/jdbc3-postgresql-8.1_ p404/work/postgresql-jdbc-8.1-404.src/build [javac] Found 1 semantic error compiling "/var/tmp/portage/jdbc3-postgresql- 8.1_p404/work/postgresql-jdbc-8.1-404.src/org/postgresql/jdbc3g/Jdbc3gConnection .java": [javac] 56. public void setTypeMap(Map < String, Class < ? >> map) t hrows SQLException [javac] ^--------------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] Issued 6 semantic warnings compiling "/var/tmp/portage/jdbc3-postgre sql-8.1_p404/work/postgresql-jdbc-8.1-404.src/org/postgresql/util/PGInterval.jav a": [javac] 95. int years = 0; [javac] ^---^ [javac] *** Semantic Warning: Local "years" shadows a field of the same name in "org.postgresql.util.PGInterval". [javac] 96. int months = 0; [javac] ^----^ [javac] *** Semantic Warning: Local "months" shadows a field of the same nam e in "org.postgresql.util.PGInterval". [javac] 97. int days = 0; [javac] ^--^ [javac] *** Semantic Warning: Local "days" shadows a field of the same name in "org.postgresql.util.PGInterval". [javac] 98. int hours = 0; [javac] ^---^ [javac] *** Semantic Warning: Local "hours" shadows a field of the same name in "org.postgresql.util.PGInterval". [javac] 99. int minutes = 0; [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Warning: Local "minutes" shadows a field of the same na me in "org.postgresql.util.PGInterval". [javac] 100. double seconds = 0; [javac] ^-----^ [javac] *** Semantic Warning: Local "seconds" shadows a field of the same na me in "org.postgresql.util.PGInterval". [javac] Found 2 semantic errors compiling "/var/tmp/portage/jdbc3-postgresql -8.1_p404/work/postgresql-jdbc-8.1-404.src/org/postgresql/jdbc3g/Jdbc3gCallableS": [javac] 26. public Object getObject(int i, Map < String, Class < ? > > map) throws SQLException [javac] ^-------------------- ^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] 31. public Object getObject(String s, Map < String, Class < ? >> map) throws SQLException [javac] ^----------------- ---^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] Found 2 semantic errors compiling "/var/tmp/portage/jdbc3-postgresql -8.1_p404/work/postgresql-jdbc-8.1-404.src/org/postgresql/jdbc3g/Jdbc3gResultSet .java": [javac] 63. public Object getObject(String s, Map < String, Class < ? >> map) throws SQLException [javac] ^----------------- ---^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] 68. public Object getObject(int i, Map < String, Class < ? > > map) throws SQLException [javac] ^-------------------- ^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] Found 4 semantic errors compiling "/var/tmp/portage/jdbc3-postgresql -8.1_p404/work/postgresql-jdbc-8.1-404.src/org/postgresql/jdbc3g/Jdbc3gArray.jav a": [javac] 24. public Object getArray(Map < String, Class < ? >> map) t hrows SQLException [javac] ^--------------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] 29. public Object getArray(long index, int count, Map < Stri ng, Class < ? >> map) throws SQLException [javac] ^----- ---------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] 34. public ResultSet getResultSet(Map < String, Class < ? >> map) throws SQLException [javac] ^--------------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) [javac] 39. public ResultSet getResultSet(long index, int count, Map < String, Class < ? >> map) throws SQLException [javac] ^--------------------^ [javac] *** Semantic Error: Using type arguments to access generic types req uires the use of "-source 1.5" or greater. Compilation will continue using the r aw type "java.util.Map", but no class file will be emitted.(not yet implemented) BUILD FAILED /var/tmp/portage/jdbc3-postgresql-8.1_p404/work/postgresql-jdbc-8.1-404.src/buil d.xml:111: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details. Total time: 5 seconds
JDK 1.5 is package.masked for a reason...
Can you provide me a hint, where java compiler options are set so I can fix it locally?