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Bug 116935 - gcc-3.4.4-r1 compile failed
Summary: gcc-3.4.4-r1 compile failed
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: Lowest critical
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-12-27 18:04 UTC by Diego Jacobi
Modified: 2005-12-30 07:15 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

emerge info (emergeinfo.txt,1.62 KB, text/plain)
2005-12-28 06:26 UTC, Diego Jacobi
emerge -pv sys-devel/gcc (emergepv.txt,354 bytes, text/plain)
2005-12-28 06:27 UTC, Diego Jacobi

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Description Diego Jacobi 2005-12-27 18:04:34 UTC
Hi. I am dissapointed at this momment.

Before wait for 8 hours to end compile gcc-3.4.4-r1 it fails.
I was doing an emerge --update --deep --newuse world to use prelink.

the error says:
before lots and lots of compiling lines.
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/portage/gcc-3.4.4-r1/work/build/gcc'
make[2]: **** No rule to make target 'cpp.texi', needed by 'doc/'.   Stop
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/portage/gcc-3.4.4-r1/work/build/gcc'
make[1]: **** [stagefeedback_build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/portage/gcc-3.4.4-r1/work/build/gcc'
make: **** [Profiledbootstrap] Error 2

!!! ERROR: sys-devel/gcc-3.4.4-r1 failed 

what should i do to fix it?
the tmp dir, looks like it was not cleaned, can i recover the compilation emerging again?

The prelink tutorial doasn't say what exactly doas the "pic" USE key, is this really needed? I have to recompile everything?

this is the 5
Comment 1 Diego Jacobi 2005-12-27 18:04:34 UTC
Hi. I am dissapointed at this momment.

Before wait for 8 hours to end compile gcc-3.4.4-r1 it fails.
I was doing an emerge --update --deep --newuse world to use prelink.

the error says:
before lots and lots of compiling lines.
make[3]: Leaving directory '/tmp/portage/gcc-3.4.4-r1/work/build/gcc'
make[2]: **** No rule to make target 'cpp.texi', needed by 'doc/'.   Stop
make[2]: Leaving directory '/tmp/portage/gcc-3.4.4-r1/work/build/gcc'
make[1]: **** [stagefeedback_build] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory '/tmp/portage/gcc-3.4.4-r1/work/build/gcc'
make: **** [Profiledbootstrap] Error 2

!!! ERROR: sys-devel/gcc-3.4.4-r1 failed 

what should i do to fix it?
the tmp dir, looks like it was not cleaned, can i recover the compilation emerging again?

The prelink tutorial doasn't say what exactly doas the "pic" USE key, is this really needed? I have to recompile everything?

this is the 5ΒΊ of 51 packages. i will kill my self it happens again.   :P
Comment 2 Stian Skjelstad 2005-12-27 18:19:03 UTC
pic use flags meens to enable -fPIC gcc flag (which in general is a good idea when posible). You can search the web about -fPIC if you want more information about this.

How much disk-space do you have avaiable?

You also need to glue in the output from `emerge info`
Comment 3 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-28 03:41:50 UTC
See comment #1.
Comment 4 Stian Skjelstad 2005-12-28 05:17:21 UTC
emerge info     please


emerge -pv sys-devel/gcc

to show what use flags you have in action for gcc
Comment 5 Diego Jacobi 2005-12-28 06:26:50 UTC
Created attachment 75671 [details]
emerge info
Comment 6 Diego Jacobi 2005-12-28 06:27:44 UTC
Created attachment 75672 [details]
emerge -pv sys-devel/gcc
Comment 7 Diego Jacobi 2005-12-29 18:50:25 UTC
do you need something else?
Comment 8 Stian Skjelstad 2005-12-30 05:25:33 UTC
Next question in line, how much free space do you have?

(And you don't have to recompile everything because of the pic USE flag, just add the flag, and let it have effect later when you upgrade things. It is not a critical flag)
Comment 9 Diego Jacobi 2005-12-30 07:15:32 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> Next question in line, how much free space do you have?

free? something about 300 MB for tmp including the space ocuped by gcc temporary files (expandible with lvm)

> (And you don't have to recompile everything because of the pic USE flag, just
> add the flag, and let it have effect later when you upgrade things. It is not a
> critical flag)
this are nice news. Can i apply the prelink with "prelink -amR" (as say the tutorial) without having this flag on a half of the system?