Hi. I wrote an ebuild for sims. sims is a tool which compiles a graphic out of pgp key signatures. Therefore it parses "gpg --list-sigs" output. It is very useful to visualize results of a keysigning party. It aims to be a replacement for sig2dot. See http://tokkee.org/sims/ Greets Muelli
Created attachment 75512 [details] sims-0.2 ebuild. It parses "gpg --list-sigs" output and creates a graphic. ebuild works fine for me. Please let me know if there are any errors in it.
- keyword(s) should be ~arch - POD2MAN=/usr/bin/pod2man >> POD2MAN=${ROOT}/usr/bin/pod2man
Created attachment 91384 [details] sims-0.2.ebuild
Package can no longer be fetched.