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Bug 116451 - udev will not run scripts (or rules ?) which are symlinks to files on other local filesystems
Summary: udev will not run scripts (or rules ?) which are symlinks to files on other l...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Unspecified (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Greg Kroah-Hartman (RETIRED)
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Reported: 2005-12-22 21:12 UTC by DEMAINE Benoît-Pierre, aka DoubleHP
Modified: 2005-12-23 13:08 UTC (History)
0 users

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description DEMAINE Benoît-Pierre, aka DoubleHP 2005-12-22 21:12:20 UTC
problem actually described in the end of post, after the '***'

I first mount /dev/hda1 on /, and /dev/hda2 on /mnt/opts
then, /opt/doublehp is a symlink to /mnt/opts/doublehp

now, you know that /opt/doublehp/* is not in the same partition and filesystem as /

now, do the following:

mkdir -p /opt/doublehp/updatefstab
cd /opt/doublehp/updatefstab
chmod +x

cd /etc/udev
ln -s ../../../opt/doublehp/updatefstab/updatefstab.automo scripts/
ln -s ../../../opt/doublehp/updatefstab/updatefstab.rules rules.d/60-updatefstab.rules
(relative links to files in /opt)

plug a device: scripts not run
( you can check that easily: no log file has been created in /tmp when you sort /tmp by dates).

now, still in /etc/udev
rm scripts/ /updatefstab/updatefstab.rules
cp -a /opt/doublehp/updatefstab /
ln -s /updatefstab/updatefstab.automo scripts/
ln -s /updatefstab/updatefstab.rules rules.d/60-updatefstab.rules

replug USB device, it gets mounted.


what I can conclude from that is that udev can follow symlinks, if they point to absolute locations on the same partition/file system, BUT NOT when they point to relative locations to different partition.
Comment 1 Greg Kroah-Hartman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-23 08:50:50 UTC
Try restarting udevd, I do not think that it can detect rule changes from
symlinks, due to the way inotify is used (you do have inotifiy built into
your kernel, right?)

What kernel version are you using?

To restart udevd, as root:
  killall udevd
  /sbin/udevd --daemon
Comment 2 DEMAINE Benoît-Pierre, aka DoubleHP 2005-12-23 09:25:10 UTC
I thought udev had been conceived as NEVER TO BE a daemon to restart :S

Linux moon_gen 2.6.14-gentoo-Gentoo-moon_02 #4 PREEMPT Wed Dec 14 10:44:54 CET 2005 i686 Pentium III (Coppermine) GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

killall udevd
/sbin/udevd --daemon

does solve for a time, until next reboot.

The workaround would then be to add that pair of commands in /etc/conf.d/locat.start at the moment, and find a better suitable place later on ... 

seems like udev drops files that are not readable at boot time, likely because the target partition was not mounted yet ...

maybe the best place to reload udev would be chronologically just after
I mean really twice ...

how do you think inotifiy would help ?
since I dont know what it is, I dont think I put it.
Since I dont know the option name in kspace, I let you grab my conf:
Comment 3 Greg Kroah-Hartman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-23 09:44:57 UTC
ok, the fix is simple, do not do this.  Put the rules in the directory and
don't use a separate partition, especially for one that is not mounted at init time.
Comment 4 DEMAINE Benoît-Pierre, aka DoubleHP 2005-12-23 09:54:03 UTC
I can not accept personally your closing reason:

udev IS designed to be a 'not to be restarted' daemon, just like elektra/reg-base.

/opt/doublehp *IS* mounted at boot time !!!

and especially for large systems (like cybercaf), it may be really easier to put some rules on network volumes, thus link some parts of /etc/udev to some NFS server ...

I have always known that local files do works fine, but were not really sure why sometimes symlink fails. But I decide to open a bug because I 'still' think udev need improovement.

(leaving closed)
Comment 5 Greg Kroah-Hartman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-23 13:07:24 UTC
Try building your kernel with inotify support and see if this fixes the problem.

inotify is what udev uses to detect if the files have changed, if they aren't
present when udevd starts up, how do you expect them to be read?
Comment 6 Greg Kroah-Hartman (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-23 13:08:20 UTC
Oh, and udevd can just be restarted to reread the config files, see the man page for how to do this.