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Bug 11512 - libusb stable version 0.1.7 is available
Summary: libusb stable version 0.1.7 is available
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Nick Hadaway
: 12556 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-12-02 19:46 UTC by Eric Hustvedt
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Eric Hustvedt 2002-12-02 19:46:37 UTC
An updated libusb stable version is available from the sourceforge mirrors.

Since it is a minor update, the ebuild can be updated by changing its name.

As a small note, shouldn't the html docs be disabled, via the
--disable-build-docs configure option, unless the user has the docs USE flag
Comment 1 Chad Huneycutt (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-09 18:13:34 UTC
This works fine for me only if I disable the docs.
Comment 2 Eric Hustvedt 2002-12-09 23:25:20 UTC
Documentation requires jade or openjade to be installed. Either openjade should
be added to the DEPEND variable, or documentation should be disabled.

Is the doc USE flag a general documentation flag, or is it only meant for
gtk-docs? If it is general, it seems like it would be best to add openjade as
DEPEND, conditional on the doc USE flag.
Comment 3 Nick Hadaway 2002-12-23 02:05:53 UTC
I have added libusb-0.1.7 to portage with DEBUGBUILD support and utilizing the 
doc use variable for installing html documentation.  It is currently marked 
unstable.  Please test and let me know how things work for you.
Comment 4 Martin Holzer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-23 12:21:26 UTC
*** Bug 12556 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 Nick Hadaway 2003-01-02 17:19:46 UTC
libusb-0.1.7 has been marekd stable.
Comment 6 Laurent Sinitambirivoutin 2003-01-13 04:51:36 UTC
Sorry but this won't compile for me unless I type 
USE="-doc" emerge libusb

I'm using the latest Gentoo (gcc 3.2.1-r6 and glibc 2.3.1-r3) and my openjade is
version 1.3.1-r6. As for docbook-sgml-dtd, I have the FOUR of them installed
(3.0, 3.1 ,4.0, 4.1), seems like every applications wants its special version ;)
As far as I understand, they're all on different slots, but I'd be unable to
say which is used by openjade.

I always get this:
jade -t sgml -d ./website.dsl\#html ./manual.sgml
jade:./manual.sgml:1:55:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text
"-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"
jade:./manual.sgml:10:0:E: reference to entity "BOOK" for which no system
identifier could be generated
jade:./manual.sgml:1:0: entity was defined here
jade:./manual.sgml:10:0:E: DTD did not contain element declaration for document
type name
jade:./manual.sgml:12:9:E: there is no attribute "ID"
jade:./manual.sgml:12:17:E: element "BOOK" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:13:8:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:14:11:E: element "BOOKINFO" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:15:11:E: element "AUTHOR" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:16:16:E: element "FIRSTNAME" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:17:14:E: element "SURNAME" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:19:16:E: element "AFFILIATION" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:20:14:E: element "ADDRESS" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:20:21:E: element "EMAIL" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:23:15:E: element "REVHISTORY" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:24:15:E: element "REVISION" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:25:18:E: element "REVNUMBER" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:26:13:E: element "DATE" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:27:23:E: element "AUTHORINITIALS" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:28:18:E: element "REVREMARK" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:31:15:E: element "REVISION" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:32:18:E: element "REVNUMBER" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:33:13:E: element "DATE" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:34:23:E: element "AUTHORINITIALS" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:35:18:E: element "REVREMARK" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:38:15:E: element "REVISION" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:39:18:E: element "REVNUMBER" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:40:13:E: element "DATE" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:41:23:E: element "AUTHORINITIALS" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:42:18:E: element "REVREMARK" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:46:15:E: element "KEYWORDSET" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:47:14:E: element "KEYWORD" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:51:14:E: there is no attribute "ID"
jade:./manual.sgml:51:23:E: element "PREFACE" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:52:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:54:13:E: element "ABSTRACT" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:55:14:E: element "SIMPARA" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:55:105:E: element "ACRONYM" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:56:14:E: element "SIMPARA" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:56:119:E: there is no attribute "URL"
jade:./manual.sgml:56:148:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:56:235:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:60:11:E: there is no attribute "ID"
jade:./manual.sgml:60:18:E: element "PART" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:1:8:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:2:14:E: there is no attribute "ID"
jade:./intro.sgml:2:30:E: element "CHAPTER" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:3:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:4:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:4:104:E: element "ACRONYM" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:4:310:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:5:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:5:80:E: element "ACRONYM" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:5:242:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:5:321:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:6:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:6:40:E: element "ACRONYM" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:6:91:E: element "ACRONYM" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:9:29:E: element "CHAPTER" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:10:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:11:17:E: element "ITEMIZEDLIST" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:12:15:E: element "LISTITEM" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:12:21:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:12:57:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:13:15:E: element "LISTITEM" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:13:21:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:13:58:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:13:111:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:13:167:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:14:15:E: element "LISTITEM" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:14:21:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:14:69:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./intro.sgml:14:132:E: element "ULINK" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:64:16:E: element "PART" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:3:8:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:4:12:E: element "PARTINTRO" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:5:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:6:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:9:37:E: element "CHAPTER" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:10:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:12:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:12:296:E: there is no attribute "LINKEND"
jade:./api.sgml:12:324:E: element "XREF" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:12:332:E: end tag for "XREF" omitted, but its declaration does
not permit this
jade:./api.sgml:12:282: start tag was here
jade:./api.sgml:15:28:E: element "CHAPTER" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:16:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:18:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:21:25:E: element "CHAPTER" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:22:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:24:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:27:31:E: element "CHAPTER" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:28:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./api.sgml:30:9:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./manual.sgml:68:22:E: element "PART" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:1:8:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:3:16:E: there is no attribute "ID"
jade:./functions.sgml:3:26:E: element "REFERENCE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:4:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:5:14:E: element "PARTINTRO" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:6:11:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:9:17:E: there is no attribute "ID"
jade:./functions.sgml:9:35:E: element "REFENTRY" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:10:17:E: element "REFNAMEDIV" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:11:16:E: element "REFNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:12:19:E: element "REFPURPOSE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:14:15:E: element "REFSECT1" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:15:14:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:16:21:E: element "FUNCSYNOPSIS" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:17:24:E: element "FUNCPROTOTYPE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:18:20:E: element "FUNCDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:18:35:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:19:17:E: element "VOID" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:20:25:E: end tag for "VOID" omitted, but its declaration
does not permit this
jade:./functions.sgml:19:12: start tag was here
jade:./functions.sgml:22:13:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:22:51:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:22:115:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:22:145:E: element "EMPHASIS" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:26:41:E: element "REFENTRY" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:27:17:E: element "REFNAMEDIV" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:28:16:E: element "REFNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:29:19:E: element "REFPURPOSE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:31:15:E: element "REFSECT1" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:32:14:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:33:21:E: element "FUNCSYNOPSIS" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:34:24:E: element "FUNCPROTOTYPE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:35:20:E: element "FUNCDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:35:34:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:36:17:E: element "VOID" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:37:25:E: end tag for "VOID" omitted, but its declaration
does not permit this
jade:./functions.sgml:36:12: start tag was here
jade:./functions.sgml:39:13:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:39:23:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:43:42:E: element "REFENTRY" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:44:17:E: element "REFNAMEDIV" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:45:16:E: element "REFNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:46:19:E: element "REFPURPOSE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:48:15:E: element "REFSECT1" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:49:14:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:50:21:E: element "FUNCSYNOPSIS" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:51:24:E: element "FUNCPROTOTYPE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:52:20:E: element "FUNCDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:52:34:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:53:17:E: element "VOID" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:54:25:E: end tag for "VOID" omitted, but its declaration
does not permit this
jade:./functions.sgml:53:12: start tag was here
jade:./functions.sgml:56:13:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:56:23:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:56:160:E: element "XREF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:56:263:E: end tag for "XREF" omitted, but its declaration
does not permit this
jade:./functions.sgml:56:122: start tag was here
jade:./functions.sgml:60:40:E: element "REFENTRY" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:61:17:E: element "REFNAMEDIV" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:62:16:E: element "REFNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:63:19:E: element "REFPURPOSE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:65:15:E: element "REFSECT1" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:66:14:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:67:21:E: element "FUNCSYNOPSIS" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:68:24:E: element "FUNCPROTOTYPE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:69:20:E: element "FUNCDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:69:46:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:70:17:E: element "VOID" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:71:25:E: end tag for "VOID" omitted, but its declaration
does not permit this
jade:./functions.sgml:70:12: start tag was here
jade:./functions.sgml:73:13:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:73:23:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:73:106:E: element "VARNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:78:31:E: element "REFERENCE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:79:10:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:80:14:E: element "PARTINTRO" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:81:11:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:84:35:E: element "REFENTRY" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:85:17:E: element "REFNAMEDIV" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:86:16:E: element "REFNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:87:19:E: element "REFPURPOSE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:89:15:E: element "REFSECT1" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:90:14:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:91:21:E: element "FUNCSYNOPSIS" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:92:24:E: element "FUNCPROTOTYPE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:93:20:E: element "FUNCDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:93:46:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:94:21:E: element "PARAMDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:94:51:E: element "PARAMETER" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:97:13:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:97:23:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:97:96:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:101:36:E: element "REFENTRY" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:102:17:E: element "REFNAMEDIV" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:103:16:E: element "REFNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:104:19:E: element "REFPURPOSE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:106:15:E: element "REFSECT1" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:107:14:E: element "TITLE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:108:21:E: element "FUNCSYNOPSIS" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:109:24:E: element "FUNCPROTOTYPE" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:110:20:E: element "FUNCDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:110:34:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:111:21:E: element "PARAMDEF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:111:48:E: element "PARAMETER" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:114:13:E: element "PARA" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:114:23:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:114:105:E: element "XREF" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:114:176:E: element "FUNCTION" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:114:214:E: end tag for "XREF" omitted, but its declaration
does not permit this
jade:./functions.sgml:114:73: start tag was here
jade:./functions.sgml:118:47:E: element "REFENTRY" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:119:17:E: element "REFNAMEDIV" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:120:16:E: element "REFNAME" undefined
jade:./functions.sgml:121:19:E: element "REFPURPOSE" undefined
jade:I: maximum number of errors (200) reached; change with -E option
jade:./website.dsl:2:95:W: cannot generate system identifier for public text
"-//Norman Walsh//DOCUMENT DocBook HTML Stylesheet//EN"
jade:./website.dsl:18:37:E: no style-specification or external-specification
  libusb Developers Guide

        June 28, 2002
        More cleanups. Add the rest of the API and clean up some places. Add
some examples. Hopefully, this should document the entire 0.1 API now.

        June 11, 2002
        Cleanup, update for all of the changes that have happened in the last
couple of months.

        August 26, 2001
        First stab.



          This document's purpose is to explain the API for libusb and how to
use it to make a USB aware application
      Any suggestions, corrections and comments regarding this document can be
sent to the author: Johannes Erdfelt or the libusb developers mailing list.

    This documentation will give an overview of how the v0.1 libusb API works
and relates to USB. Work is rapidly progressing on a newer version of libusb, to
be v1.0, which will be a redesigned API and is intended to obsolete v0.1. You
may want to check the libusb website to see if it is stable and recommended.
    This documentation assumes that you have a good understanding of USB and how
it works. If you don't have a good understanding of USB, it is recommended you
obtain the USB v1.1 and/or v2.0 specs and read them.
    libusb is geared towards USB 1.1, however from the perspective of libusb,
USB 2.0 won't be a significant change for libusb

      Current OS support
          Linux (2.2, 2.4 and on)
      FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD
      Darwin/MacOS X

      This is the external API for applications to use.
    The API is relatively lean and designed to have close analogies to the USB
specification. The v0.1 API was mostly hacked together and kludged together
without much forethought and as a result, it's missing quite a few features.
v1.0 is intended to rectify this.

      Devices and interfaces

    The libusb API ties an open device to a specific interface. This means that
if you want to claim multiple interfaces on a device, you should open the device
multiple times to receive one usb_dev_handle for each interface you want to
communicate with. Don't forget to call .


    Timeout's in libusb are always specified in milliseconds.

      Data Types

    libusb uses both abstracted and non abstracted structures to maintain


    All functions in libusb v0.1 are synchronous, meaning the functions block
and wait for the operation to finish or timeout before returning execution to
the calling application. Asynchronous operation will be supported in v1.0, but
not v0.1.


          These functions compromise the core of libusb. They are used by all
applications that utilize libusb.

        Initialize libusb

                              void usb_init

        Just like the name implies, usb_init sets up some internal structures.
usb_init must be called before any other libusb functions.

        Find's all USB busses on system

                              int usb_find_busses

        usb_find_busses will find all of the busses on the system. Returns the
number of changes previous to this call (total of new busses and busses removed).

        Find all devices on all USB devices

                              int usb_find_devices

        usb_find_devices will find all of the devices on each bus. This should
be called after . Returns the number of changes previous to this call (total of
new device and devices removed).

        Return the list of USB busses found

                              struct usb_bus *usb_get_busses

        usb_get_busses simply returns the value of the global variable
usb_busses. This was implemented for those languages that support C calling
convention and can use shared libraries, but don't support C global variables
(like Delphi).

      Device operations
          This group of functions deal with the device. It allows you to open
and close the device as well standard USB operations like setting the
configuration, alternate settings, clearing halts and resetting the device. It
also provides OS level operations such as claiming and releasing interfaces.

        Opens a USB device

                              usb_dev_handle *usb_open
            struct *usb_device dev

        usb_open is to be used to open up a device for use. usb_open must be
called before attempting to perform any operations to the device.

        Closes a USB device

                              int usb_close
            usb_dev_handle *dev

        usb_close closes a device opened with . No further operations may be
performed on the handle after usb_close is called.

        make[2]: *** [html/index.html] Error 1
Comment 7 Nick Hadaway 2003-01-15 21:36:36 UTC
added =app-text/docbook-sgml-dtd-3.1* to DEPEND
Comment 8 Sam Yates 2003-01-23 09:12:01 UTC
Even with the added dependency, I was getting the same
doc build errors on libusb-1.7 as Laurent Sinitambirivoutin

In the ebuild, changing the line

make || die

make || die

fixed the problem for me, but it's kinda ugly.

Should things be turning up in /etc/sgml, and in the env.d/93sgmltools-lite
file, that currently aren't?
Comment 9 Nick Hadaway 2003-01-24 14:39:55 UTC
I have experienced no problems emerging with USE="doc" with or without
sgmltools-lite installed.  For environment updates and such... do an etc-update
env-update, source /etc/profile to update appropriate configuration files.
Maybe do a USE"doc" emerge -e libusb to rebuild all dependancies?  
Comment 10 Nick Hadaway 2003-01-30 02:19:23 UTC
I have built libusb on both our current stable profile and the unstable profile successfully.