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Bug 113575 - ebuilds for howtos aka automated setup/configs
Summary: ebuilds for howtos aka automated setup/configs
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
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Reported: 2005-11-25 11:35 UTC by Mathieu Jobin
Modified: 2005-11-25 15:55 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Mathieu Jobin 2005-11-25 11:35:36 UTC
i wish we would start seeing ebuilds that would wrap the excellent doc we can 
find on gentoo wiki sites. usually gentoo as a pretty good step-by-step way of 
doing things which could be automated. starting from the installation to more 
specific things I'd like to ask about. 
I wish users could do things like 
emerge gentoo-quickcam 
which would check my hardware, download the right driver, go enable required 
options in my /usr/src/linux/.config and setup everything to make my quickcam 
another one, gentoo-webcam, would have quickcam as a dependency and then setup 
a daemon which takes a picture every second, ready to be displayed on apache. 
I also wish really much for  
emerge gentoo-hibernation 
which would just do it all, and gives hibernation to any computer 
optionally, for a safe uninstall option, log of everything done on the system 
would be kept with reverse command for uninstallation. 
just a thought.
Comment 1 Jan Kundrát (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-25 15:55:40 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)    
> the excellent doc we can find on gentoo wiki sites    
> usually gentoo as a pretty good step-by-step way of     
> doing things which could be automated. starting from the installation to more     
> specific things I'd like to ask about.     
Is this an ebuild request? We won't make any ebuilds that will automagically    
make your webcam work as we really can't.    
> I wish users could do things like     
> emerge gentoo-quickcam     
> which would check my hardware, download the right driver, go enable required     
> options in my /usr/src/linux/.config and setup everything to make my quickcam     
> works.     
Touching user files is bad and won't happen.    
> a daemon which takes a picture every second, ready to be displayed on apache.     
IMHO you don't need an ebuild for every task you want your system to perform.    
> I also wish really much for      
> emerge gentoo-hibernation     
> which would just do it all, and gives hibernation to any computer     
> automatically.     
Impossible, there's no such implementation (well, at least none that I'm aware   
> optionally, for a safe uninstall option, log of everything done on the system     
> would be kept with reverse command for uninstallation.     
Eh? Of course Portage keeps track of installed packages...   
> just a thought.  
Bugzilla isn't proper place for such ideas.