The pc/cz keymap for xkb is broken. Probably with the modular X in and updated version of xkb, some new path checking came in, and broke it in "/usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc/cz". Applies for all x11-misc/xkbdata versions i tried, though it appeared very recently. Every include "cz(basic)" should be include "pc/cz(basic)", otherwise setxkbmap throws generic error while trying to set the keymap with specified variant. This is the keymap with which i noticed the problem, might happen in other keymaps too, but i'm not entirely sure about the file structure. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1) rain@BH2 /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/pc $ setxkbmap -model pc101 -layout cz -variant qwerty Error loading new keyboard description diff cz.old cz 81c81 < include "cz(basic)" --- > include "pc/cz(basic)" 94c94 < include "cz(basic)" --- > include "pc/cz(basic)" 103c103 < include "cz(qwerty)" --- > include "pc/cz(qwerty)"
Please create a bug upstream at and post the link here. Once it's included upstream we'll be happy to add it here. Thanks :)