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Bug 111948 - 30 new .desktop files for programs which don't provide them
Summary: 30 new .desktop files for programs which don't provide them
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-11-09 01:59 UTC by Stephan Sokolow
Modified: 2005-11-09 16:09 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

30 .desktop files for programs which lack them, as mentioned in the initial post. (new_menu_entries.tar.bz2,5.56 KB, application/octet-stream)
2005-11-09 02:02 UTC, Stephan Sokolow

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Description Stephan Sokolow 2005-11-09 01:59:50 UTC
The attached tarball contains 30 .desktop files for applications which did not
provide their own as well as suggested icons to be used with Pingus and DosBox.

During the construction of said tarball, I also noticed (and locally corrected)
the following problems:

Existing .desktop files which are not copied into place by emerge:
- xine.desktop
- nicotine.desktop
- xtraceroute.desktop (and xtraceroute.png)
- Just not in locations Xfce can see:
	- kshisen.desktop
	- ark.desktop

Existing .desktop files using icon paths which don't work with all desktop
- nmapfe.desktop (expects GNOME standard icons to be present)
- programs which expect KDE icon path completion:
	- kshisen.desktop
	- ark.desktop
	- filelight.desktop

Files in need of correction:
- Aumix needs to have a line saying
"Categories=Application;Multimedia;AudioVideo;" added to it's .desktop file.
- GTKam's desktop file doesn't specify an icon even though one is installed.
- The OpenDict ebuild doesn't install /usr/share/opendict/pixmaps/icon-48x48.png
but the .desktop file references it.
- OBConf's .desktop file should say "System" in it's Category line. "System
Tools" isn't a valid choice.
- Until Xfce can configure GStreamer, gnomecc.desktop should not be GNOME-only.
- Enigma has PuzzleGame as a category but the menu spec says puzzle games should
be categorized as LogicGame.
- The mozillafirefox.desktop file should add WebBrowser to it's Categories line
- The gxmame.desktop file should add Emulator to it's Categories line
- The "OnlyShowIn=GNOME;" line needs to be removed from the Ximian OpenOffice
entries so that they will appear in Xfce.
- xtraceroute needs a "Categories=Application;Network;" line.
- Files in need of a "Version=0.9.4" line:
	- mozillafirefox.desktop
	- gxmame.desktop
	- xtraceroute.desktop

Miscellaneous problems:
- Xfce's menu doesn't seem to check /usr/share/icons since it couldn't find
wesnoth-icon.png or abiword_48.png
- Someone should suggest to the authors of Eric3 and Kodos that they make their
icons backgrounds transparent, not white.
- Shouldn't AbiWord's entry say "AbiWord" instead of "Word Processor" since some
DMs (Xfce) don't sort into subfolders?

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:

Actual Results:  
No menu entries.

Expected Results:  
Menu entries.
Comment 1 Stephan Sokolow 2005-11-09 02:02:14 UTC
Created attachment 72479 [details]
30 .desktop files for programs which lack them, as mentioned in the initial post.
Comment 2 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-09 03:02:20 UTC
Please, don't post summary bugs for tons of ebuilds, open a separate bug for
each ebuild. 
Comment 3 Stephan Sokolow 2005-11-09 03:13:21 UTC
Ok, as long as you don't mind me whipping up a script to batch-push roughly
three dozen template-based posts saying almost identical things into Bugzilla.

I REALLY don't have time to manually write that many bug reports on my own and
just making all of those .desktop files ate up enough valuable
assignment-finishing time as it is.
Comment 4 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-09 06:51:08 UTC
You might even use app-admin/gentoo-bugger; sorry for the hassle but such bugs
are essentially untrackable and unassignable. Also, please don't attach tarballs. 
Comment 5 Stephan Sokolow 2005-11-09 16:09:22 UTC
No problem. I'll hand-submit the few exceptions (eg. the ones where I'm
providing suggested icons to be sent upstream) and then whip up a control script
and template for the rest.