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Bug 10634 - strange errors due to kde 3rd-party apps installation to /usr
Summary: strange errors due to kde 3rd-party apps installation to /usr
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: Highest major
Assignee: Gentoo KDE team
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-11-12 12:36 UTC by Alexander Papaspyrou
Modified: 2003-02-04 19:42 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Alexander Papaspyrou 2002-11-12 12:36:55 UTC

the installation of kde 3rd-party applications to /usr instead of $KDEDIR is a 
stupid idea, it breaks almost every 3rd-party app's behaviour.

The whole kde environment was never meant to be installed directly to /usr, 
but into a separate directory (which also is a major pain in the arse); hence 
the strange directory structure under $KDEDIR/share.

You could make the world very happy "un"fixing this issue by emerging all kde 
related packages to $KDEDIR. This would generally be a good idea, as KDE 
itself doesn't know anything about the "gentoo way" of setting $KDEDIRS, but 
normally (and so do almost all 3rd-party apps) uses $KDEDIR.

Please be so kind and stop this madness; besides the aforementioned issues 
breaking other apps, you found a nice way to pollute the file system by 
emerging things which belong together to different places: no one wants (or 
needs) two separate $KDEDIR/share/{applnk,apps,...} directories.
Comment 1 Dan Armak (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-11-23 03:53:50 UTC
The reason for this behaviour is to make 3rd party kde apps work in every KDE 
installed when there's more than one (e.g. stable+current cvs). Using KDEDIRS for 
that purpose is officially supported by kde and that's what the KDEDIRS variable is 
for in the first place (it is not a Gentoo invention, it is a functionality of kde itself). 
Please report any _specific_ issue you have with this approach and I will try to help 
you. Noone but you has a problem with approach itself in general that I know of, and it 
has proven to work very nicely.