Hola; realize the beast is masked, just opening the bug for my own tracking, and so I can hand the changes required back through here... Either way, libdrm's /usr/include/drm/via_drm.h tries to include via_drmclient.h, which isn't distributed with libdrm. Poking around upstream to see if I can lift the file from there, or gank a new(er) version...
Created attachment 68430 [details] via_drmclient.h http://cvs.freedesktop.org/xorg/xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/drivers/via/via_drmclient.h?rev=1.1&view=log Simple enough fix, just gank the file from cvs above (hasn't changed in 3 months, libdrm appears to have been created/released in aug of '05 also), or just tag the attached file into $FILESDIR
Very much an upstream bug. Please file it at bugs.fd.o, DRI product, and post the URL here.