xmltex and passivetex are both refering to the same underlying thing: PassiveTeX. xmltex appears to be an old ebuild that has now been replaced; it would perhaps be less confusing to get rid of it... (I almost installed it, but knew there was a newer version than 1.0 for PassiveTeX so searched a bit harder...) Just a thought.
Good call. Looking into best way to do this...
the way forward, I think, is to remove xmltex from the tree and make an entry in the 4Q2002 updates file so that old installations of xmltex get transparently updated to reflect its new name as passivetex.
All fixed and removed!
Huh? As far as I can see, the packages called passivetex (http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Software/passivetex/) and xmltex are two completely different packages, and passivetex depends on xmltex. I only just downloaded passivetex and have never used it before, but I could not get it working without downloading xmltex. I have no experience in making TeX-packages for Gentoo, so I'm afraid I have no ebuild to offer. Eivind
I must echo Eivind, PassiveTeX and xmltex seem to be two separate packages. I cannot get PassiveTeX to work on my installation of Gentoo. I know nothing about installing macros for TeX and a user needs it, so I was hoping that the Gentoo ebuilds would take care of it. I have noticed that almost all of the files in the <a href="ftp://ftp.tex.ac.uk/tex-archive/macros/xmltex/base.zip">xmltex distribution</a> are nowhere to be found in the /usr/share/texmf tree. Nor can I get any of the commands on the <a href="http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Software/passivetex/">PassiveTeX web page</a> to work with my .fo files. Output: $ pdflatex "&pdfxmltex" emotions.fo This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b (Web2C 7.4.5) kpathsea: Running mktexfmt pdfxmltex.fmt fmtutil: no info for format `pdfxmltex'. Sorry, I can't find the format `pdfxmltex.fmt'; will try `pdflatex.fmt'. (./emotions.fo{/usr/share/texmf/pdftex/config/pdftex.cfg} Also, the URL (<a href="http://users.ox.ac.uk/~rahtz/passivetex/">http://users.ox.ac.uk/~rahtz/passivetex/</a> for app-text/passivetex seems to be incorrect (404 not found).
Created attachment 19545 [details] New passivetex files Hi, I've put all files together for a working passivetex and xmltex environment. J
Created attachment 19545 [details] New passivetex files Hi, I've put all files together for a working passivetex and xmltex environment. Jörg
Hi, passivetex relies heavily on xmltex. Therefore the current "improved" passivtex ebuild cannot work. I've prepared a new passivetex.tar.bz2 file, which include all files needed. After unpacking to /usr/share/ the following commands should be executed to build the format files: initex &latex xmltex pdftex -ini "&pdflatex" pdfxmltex.ini I will try to provide an ebuild at the end of this week. Bye, J
Hi, passivetex relies heavily on xmltex. Therefore the current "improved" passivtex ebuild cannot work. I've prepared a new passivetex.tar.bz2 file, which include all files needed. After unpacking to /usr/share/ the following commands should be executed to build the format files: initex &latex xmltex pdftex -ini "&pdflatex" pdfxmltex.ini I will try to provide an ebuild at the end of this week. Bye, Jörg Some explanatory stuff: http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Software/passivetex/ - PassiveTeX is a library of TeX macros which can be used to process an XML document which results from an XSL transformation to formatting objects. - PassiveTeX provides a rapid development environment for experimenting with XSL FO, using a reliable pre-existing formatter - Running PassiveTeX with the pdfTeX variant of TeX generates high-quality PDF files in a single operation. - PassiveTeX shows how TeX can remain the formatter of choice for XML, while hiding the details of its operation from the user. PassiveTeX relies heavily on work by David Carlisle (his namespace-aware XML parser written in TeX, xmltex), and was developed from my JadeTeX macros for processing DSSSL via Jade. http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/xmltex/base/manual.html xmltex: A non validating (and not 100% conforming) namespace aware XML parser implemented in TeX xmltex implements a non validating parser for documents matching the W3C XML Namespaces Recommendation. The system may just be used to parse the file (expanding entity references and normalising namespace declarations) in which case it records a trace of the parse on the terminal. Normally however the information from the parse is used to trigger TeX typesetting code. Declarations (in TeX syntax) are provided as part of xmltex to associate TeX code with the start and end of each XML element, attributes, processing instructions, and with unicode character data.
I must concur with the reporters, I dont think this is fixed at all
usata, can i get your opinions on this if you have time ? thanks.
I think passivetex and xmltex are different packages too; actually ctan.org has passivetex ander contrib subdirectory of xmltex. From passivetex homepage http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Software/passivetex/ (HOMEPAGE and SRC_URI of passivetex-1.4.ebuild isn't correct) it says: You need to download xmltex from CTAN and install it in the your TeX system. It too is just a set of TeX macro packages. IMPORTANT NOTE. You need a copy of xmltex.tex latex than 2001/11/30. So dev-tex/xmltex should be created and passivetex should depend on it.
yep, ta for the confirmation usata. i've sort of got this locally (needs a few bugs ironed out) and then i can get it in.
*** Bug 33684 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
is this actually going to be fixed in a foreseeable future? I would really like to get xmlto working on my box, as it's the only script that's really worked for me so far.
Sorry for the delay. I committed passivetex-1.4-r1.ebuild which depends on dev-tex/xmltex. Please test it and report back if it works for you.
Great work usata!
Sorry, but this still isn't complete. The passivetex that's being used seems buggy, and is not the latest one available at the homepage. Also, the xmltex that is being used is too old to satisfy passivetex's needs it seems. One needs the latest one available at CTAN. Then it works, but the output is quite ugly. See the zip-file at http://www.tei-c.org.uk/Software/passivetex/ and the text that goes with it describing the xmltex dependency. See http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/help/Catalogue/entries/xmltex.html?preferredCTAN=ctan.unsw.edu.au&action=/tools/cataloguesearch&catstring=xmltex for latest xmltex that I was able to find (2002/06/25 update).
Thanks for the test and comment. I've just committed the latest xmltex-1.9 and passivetex-1.25 (yesterday I only checked xmltex, sorry). passivetex seems to work (as you pointed out, it gives me a lots of errors, though). Do you know any solution to these errors?
Hm, your latest patch (using passivetex-1.25 and xmltex-1.9) works fine here. I did a clean reinstall of tetex, xmltex, and passivetex since I figured there would be some cruft left behind. Anyway, there are still some warnings when processing fo files produced by docbook-xml-dtd-4.2 and docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.62.4, but these are only font-related and unrelated "underfull \hbox ..."-type errors. I suggest that you remove /usr/share/texmf completely and reinstall the above packages if it produces more errors than these for you. The output pdf's, though, aren't perfect yet, but that's probably because docbook-xsl-stylesheets-1.62.4 is asking passivetex to do stuff it can't do yet. Anyway, hope this helps, and thanks for taking your time to investigate this bug.