So I switch from oss to alsa, but now the sound effects in games such as Ut 2003 and Tribes 2 crackles whenever it gets somewhat active. I'm using a sound blaster live. and Alsa driver 0.9rc5. I'm using rc5 because the unmasked version wouldn't build for me.
Arcady, is rc5 "stable" enough to go from the package.mask to ~arch keywords?
test it by running as root and see if the problem persists ...
Sloan: Try running alsamixer and muting all the unnecessary channels. What sound chip does your sound card have? Seemant: I changed the rc5 ebuilds to ~arch keywords last night.
sloan, any luck?
I have experienced poor sound quality in many cards with a slow system. While slow may be a relative term, a fast system under heavy load, playing a game such as Unreal Tournament 2k3 and Tribes 2 will exhibit attributes of a "slow system"... That being said, the suggestion to run as root may help the situation and although it is considered a security risk, I find many applications work better when run as root. for example, mplayer can access the RTC when run as root. Please let me know a little of your system specs and if you have tried running the games as root.
and 0.9.0_rc6 has been released into portage. As a possibility you could try this new release. :)
Are you still around? Still having the problem?
As this is not a problem with the gentoo builds of alsa, I am closing this bug. The alsa drivers are still release candidates and they haven't even reached 1.0... if you have success with the oss drivers then I wouls suggest staying with them. The future of sound in Linux appears to be with alsa though.