When I run dosbox, it fails immediatly. Steps for reproduction: 1. $ dosbox error output: dosbox: error while loading shared libraries: libdirectfb-0.9.so.20: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory package versions: dosbox-0.63 libsdl-1.2.8-r1 DirectFB-0.9.22 A simple slocate search shows that there are still present files from directfb 0.9.20 and 0.9.21, although they are not in portage. Even --clean and --prune don't show any other DirectFB versions then 0.9.22. Should I just remove the 0.9.20 and 0.9.21 files or is there a better solution.
Sounds like you need to run revdep-rebuild
Oh, dear god, please no! I think my whole revdep-rebuild would take on days! No idea why, exactly, but I think at some point I've been playing with the USE flags too much, or something. Anyhow, thanks for the tip, I'll try to revdep-rebuild dosbox
just re-emerge libsdl and directfb
Thanks for the tip, Spanky, but it didn't work (I'm pretty sure I tried it before). So, I'll just let revdep-rebuild dosbox run for the 7 hours it wants O_o over the night, and if that still doesn't work, I'm just hand-removing those older lib files. ...god, I hate revdep-rebuild :(
oh, you'll also have to re-emerge dosbox itself
I did that too (the second time round, this time) - it didn't work. In /usr/lib/ I have the following entries (amongst others, of course): directfb-0.9.20/ directfb-0.9.21/ directfb-0.9.22/ libdirectfb.so libdirectfb.la libdirectfb-0.9.so.22.0.0 libdirectfb-0.9.so.22
revdep-rebuild worked :] well, actually this worked: 1)# revdep-rebuild -p dosbox 2)manually edit the emerge line given by revdep-rebuild, removing from it a few illogical packages wanted (like an outdated kdelibs and kdebase), changing all the other packages to packages instead of specific versions (some didn't exist anymore in portage)
From your comments and descriptions, it sounds like you're not doing the on-going maintenance of your system. Not running revdep-rebuild regularly is just asking for trouble. Having "outdated kdelibs and kdebase" around seems like it will probably cause problems for you in the future as well. You need to maintain your system if you expect it to work well.
No, no, the thing is that my KDE is the latest stable (3.4.1), it's just a revdep-rebuild which claimed it needed to re-emerge a 3.3 package. Anyway, I'll try to do all the revdep-rebuild in the next dew days that I've skipped so far. It just never occured to me that regular revdep-rebuild'ing is necessary :( I didn't want to neglect my system... BTW, is it ok to just run # revdep-rebuild or do I have to use all the --soname <libs>?
revdep-rebuild by itself should be fine.
Thanks, I think I've gotten it to work now.