The current xfree ebuild is depending on too much - namely, there is no checking for fonts before dep'ing (and rdep'ing) on all of the font packages and managers. Many users, myself included, have base xfree installs on some machines who's sole purpose is to function as a gateway, and has X merely to be able to port forward X apps across the network. There is no need for the font packages. However, the ebuild doesn't offer that as an option - it simply deps away and forces those bloats to be loaded. (There's also a problem with glibc and the new ttfk dep, but that's in another filed bug). Is there any way to go back to the simplicty of the last version xfree and make these optional deps? Thanks!
Ok, what besides ttmkfdir do you see as bloat ? And what are you referring to with 'a problem with glibc and the new ttfk dep' ?
bug 9883 for the ttmkfdir failing to emerge - it plain fails (output provided:) ) as for the bloat - fontconfig, microsoft fonts, the cabextracter, etc. Perhaps my question is why is this now part of the base xfree install and not optional? It used to be optional, which kept the xfree install nice, small, and efficient.
If you havent read the news regarding Xft lately, here is the schoop: Xft-2.0 will (like Xft-1.2 that our 4.2.1 uses) require fontconfig to compile. Thus xfree-4.3.0 will anyhow have added this dep. As for cabextract, the fonts, etc, PLEASE read the ebuild before you post bugs like this. They are hooked to the "truetype" USE flag, so if you have "truetype" in your servers USE flags ....
I was not aware of the requirement for xft in the future (no reason I would be) - thanks :) As for the use flags...damned auto-added flags suck. Don't appreciate the attitude, bub, but whatever. Have a good halloween.