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Bug 92025 - Disable fstab-sync in hal
Summary: Disable fstab-sync in hal
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal
Assignee: Project Gentopia
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Blocks: 91928 113724
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Reported: 2005-05-09 10:18 UTC by Nathaniel McCallum (RETIRED)
Modified: 2005-11-27 10:36 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Nathaniel McCallum (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-09 10:18:40 UTC
we need to disable fstab-sync in hal, or at least put it on a USE flag
Comment 1 Nathaniel McCallum (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-09 10:50:44 UTC
I know you mentioned a USE flag for fstab-sync in the previous bug.  However, I'd really prefer not to support fstab-sync.  Its a dirty hack with uncontrollable policy and creates many more security risks (via tough administration) than pmount.  If we choose not to support fstab-sync, its a one line change in the ebuild.
Comment 2 Patrick Fehr 2005-07-31 06:38:15 UTC
and when actually will this happen eventually? pmount is used in every other 
major distribution, why still not under gentoo-portage? 
Comment 3 Doug Goldstein (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-07-31 13:17:17 UTC
Patrick, rude comments onto bugs won't make them happen quicker. It's a work in
progress. We're going to transition the changes most likely with the next Gnome
Comment 4 Doug Goldstein (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-08-18 00:33:35 UTC
This has been removed in the 0.5.x series of HAL, which is still p.masked.

Also removing foser's CC since he's on the utopia list.
Comment 5 Alexander Skwar 2005-11-22 12:12:12 UTC
Could we please re-enable fstab-sync? It worked a *LOT* better than pmount;
actually, pmount doesn't seem to work at all....