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Bug 90053 - Project-Dolphin Meta-Bug
Summary: Project-Dolphin Meta-Bug
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Release Media
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Everything (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Release Team
: 81403 91067 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-04-22 11:19 UTC by Benjamin Judas (RETIRED)
Modified: 2010-12-01 16:19 UTC (History)
11 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Benjamin Judas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-22 11:19:32 UTC
This is the meta-bug for Project Dolphin. Everything related to the iso-image should go HERE AND NOWHERE ELSE

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-22 11:28:44 UTC
enhancement request #1... ;]

Make sure you document that ALL bugs go HERE on the CD itself, in a README in the download directory, and as the friggin' splash background, if need be.
Comment 2 Maik Schreiber 2005-04-22 14:59:34 UTC
Request #2: net-misc/rdiff-backup on the CD would be _way_ cool. But please no testing versions (0.13.x).
Comment 3 roger55 (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-25 11:11:07 UTC
request#3: net-misc/rsync

Comment 4 Chris Millard 2005-04-25 16:51:53 UTC
Request #3: app-admin/testdisk-5.6

I've found this to be an indispensable tool for recovering a lost partition table.  It'll scan your disk for remains of old filesystem tables, allow you to browse old filesystems through it without mounting them (or even having them in your partition table) and will rewrite your partition table on request.
Comment 5 Miroslaw Poray-Zbrozek 2005-04-26 06:14:14 UTC
I would find the following features useful:

1. rsync
2. A very light X support with a simple desktop manager e.g. Fluxbox (like Insert Live CD based on Debian)
3. Mozilla Firefox
Comment 6 Jonathan Smith (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-26 07:06:17 UTC
in response to comment #5, i do not believe x11/WMs are necessary. to my knowledge, the purpose of this project is rescue _only_. you shouldn't need x11 to rescue...

if you are trying to research your problem, then either use knoppix or another computer

Comment 7 John Herzfeld 2005-04-26 10:19:43 UTC
I have a Dell X200 Laptop.  Its CD rom (in the docking station) uses firewire to connect to the PC.

Under gentoo I need to load a few ieee1394 modules, and then the cd gets mapped to a scsi device.

When I boot the Dolphin cd, it seems to be loading some firewire modules (text scrolls by too quickly.)

Then I get some error messages

Attempting to mount CD


could not find CD to boot
something else needed.

The shell that I can then load seems too raw to give me any more info.

Hope this helps.
Comment 8 mirko_3 2005-04-26 11:32:54 UTC
Does it have Reiser4 support? I know it's controversial, but being a rescue cd, it should support as many file systems as possible...
Comment 9 Brian Hall 2005-04-26 11:44:04 UTC
enhancement request: amd64 version, with gcc 3.4.x & distcc
Comment 10 Benjamin Judas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-26 12:17:40 UTC
re comment #5: For now, X is not considered to be on the livecd since it is not needed to use the tools on the cd and there are no X-only rescue-tools.

re comment #7: This is a very ugly bug we mostly experience on Dell-Hardware (but not only on Dell-HW). We know of it, but aren't able to solve it at the moment (since we don't even know *what* causes this bug)

re comment #8: As long as Reiser-4 is not part of the plain vanilla kerneltree, it won't be added to this (and any other) live-system.

re comment #9: I will give our amd64-guys a call. Lastly, it is their decision if they are going to jump on the boat or not. Remember, this project is expeirmental and nothing considered to be released regulary.
Comment 11 Carlos Silva (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-04-26 15:51:30 UTC
support for reiserfs in parted would be good too.
Comment 12 Ryan Lynch 2005-04-26 20:40:21 UTC
Two things:

1) I'm getting an error with the bootsplash where silent splash actually locks up, causing the progress bar and icons not to work.  I know this is probably not a priority, but I get this error with the live-cd splash theme in general, and I you guys might want to know about it.

2) The hardware detection appears to be a little messed up.  With the 2005.0 live-cd, my sound card is correctly detected, and the appropriate alsa module is loaded (snd_intel8x0).  However with Dolphin, it says it can't tell what soundcard I have and proceeds to load all the alsa modules (thats alot of kernel modules).

3) Just a question. In the 2005.0 live-cd specs, it lists both ipw2100 and ipw2200, but these packages block eachother.  Are both on this live-cd? And if so how did you get around the block?
Comment 13 Ryan Lynch 2005-04-26 20:44:26 UTC
Well it seems my two things turned into three things, oops. Anyway, to add something in addition to my previous comment, the splash bug appears sporadically, in that sometimes I will boot and the progress bar will move across the bottom of the screen, and various icons will appear in conjunction with the boot process, and other times nothing will happen at all.  I've talked to several other people who have had this problem with the 2005.0 live-cd and live-cd splash theme, so this at least is not isolated to me.
Comment 14 lee leahu 2005-04-27 08:12:31 UTC

this is an invaluable tool when you need to recover data from a failing drive.
Comment 15 Matthew Bevan 2005-04-27 23:31:20 UTC
It may be worthwhile to combine the Gentoo/Linux portion of the LiveCD with FreeDOS-based applications (which work well with strange setups much better than Linux can currently).  See

I recently used a combination of the Ultimate Boot CD (to rebuild a partition table from a Windows Server 2003 LDM and rebuild NTFS indexes), to perform tasks which Linux could not do.  Once that was complete, I booted into a Gentoo Universal CD, mounted NFS and NTFS, and copied files from the bad drive.

sys-block/disktype (invaluable when identifying Macintosh partition structures)

Some form of memtest86 as well as other physical stress tests (HDs, etc.) would be handy.

Also, as many app-forensics apps as you are willing to stuff in. ;)

x86-64 support is less of a priority, at least to me, despite the fact I use a lot of amd64 hardware.  All 64-bit hardware I use has full 32-bit support.  The goal, IMO, of a rescue/live CD is to run on as much hardware as possible - compilation optimizations for 386+ should be the target early on.

There is a possibility for a great deal of convergence here, with the FreeDOS-based applications, Dolphin, and Pentoo (intrusion detection LiveCD).  There is no reason I need to boot a system three different times to fix one machine if all of these tools are combined.
Comment 16 Drew Winstel 2005-04-29 08:47:52 UTC
memtest86 is already there.  See the boot help screens for instructions on how to launch it.  

I'm also experiencing the ALSA bug with snd_intel8x0.  Also, no default mixer state is in place... should one be added?
Comment 17 David D. Huff Jr. 2005-04-29 12:22:35 UTC
Make it fit on Business Card CD. Pre-burnt, I'll take a few.
Comment 18 Kyle Brantley 2005-04-29 19:16:56 UTC
One thing that the gentoo project as a whole is currently lacking, would be PXE (aka network) booting. For those of you who don't know what this is, the process is simple.

1) Client runs PXE ROM, these days every mobo with an integrated NIC can do it (specify the intel UNDI as boot device)
2) Client runs DHCP broadcast, receives an IP, TFTP server IP and file to download
3) (Typically,) pxelinux is run, which grabs a kernel and an initrd off of TFTP, and then executes them as a normal boot.

If the point of this is a rescue CD, I can think of no better, rather unique addition, than the ability to walk into a room, and without even touching a medium, have a copy of this running.

As I said, only a kernel and an initrd can be grabbed via TFTP... which leaves the actual root filesystem still. After poking around the initrd, the needed changes would be trivial to add another source to the start scripts. There are a few blocking issues though, that should be easily resolved.

1) To mount (SMB, NFS, anything supported by the kernel to get to the root filesystem), you need an IP... this means that either A) the kernel has support for the NIC built-in (non-module), support for auto IP config via DHCP is compiled in also (and ip=dhcp added to kernel boot line), or B) The init script loads all needed network modules, runs dhcpcd, and then mounts the needed filesystem.
2) The init scripts need changing to support another medium other than CD-ROM... I'd poke further, but I'd like to see what kind of support this has before I poke further. It looks like the base system is already there, it just needs to be added to.

I think that this would be an awesome feature to add to this CD, and then if there is enough interest, changes would be minimal to port this to gentoo release. People have been saying, "die floppy, die!" for a bit now, but I'm already moving on to the "die CD-ROM, die!" stage ;).

Again, if I could get this feature added, or if anyone cares enough, I'd be more than willing to help get this added, and possibly ported to other gentoo projects. 
Comment 19 Derek Tracy 2005-04-30 18:43:05 UTC
The spec files used to create Dolphin should be posted.  This would help everybody during the creation process better understand how Dolphin works and is put together.
Comment 20 M. Edward Borasky 2005-05-01 20:28:14 UTC
------- Additional Comment #11 From Carlos Silva  2005-04-26 15:51 PST -------

support for reiserfs in parted would be good too.

Well ... the patches that allow parted to use reiserfs are buggy beyond measure. That way lies filesystem corruption ... exactly what you **don't** want on a rescue CD. I gave up on reiserfs because of that.
Comment 21 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-02 05:56:12 UTC
*** Bug 91067 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 22 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-02 05:56:43 UTC
From 91067:  Add dump & restore
Comment 23 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-03 10:51:20 UTC
*** Bug 81403 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 24 Chris Gianelloni (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-03 10:51:40 UTC
From 81403: Add gpart
Comment 25 Chetan Chauhan 2005-05-04 11:16:12 UTC
Project dolphin badly needs nfs / smbfs support.

It's really surprising that the rescue CD lacks support for NFS since its a crucial way to rescue data.
Comment 26 Kirk 2005-05-05 07:44:46 UTC
The programs listed below are all commandline utilities that I use when repairing a PC with linux or windows on it.





Comment 27 andrea 2005-05-06 00:42:23 UTC
I would suggest some minimal network testing support if we need to rescue data over the net

And a great set of tools for data forensics
Comment 28 Sven Vermeulen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-07 10:57:09 UTC
Perhaps a simple script that dumps itself on a partition and makes it possible to boot? The sysresccd has the ability and I find it quite usefull for non-Linux systems to have a rescue partition (quite small) with partimage or the likes on it. Especially since it's used for systems that don't have a cd-rom (they do support USB CD-ROMs which we have).
Comment 29 Benjamin Judas (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-05-08 07:26:36 UTC
New Image -r2 has just been created; I will have infra moved it out to experimental, soon.

I added all of your suggestions, except some packages because they were either broken (i.e. won't build) or were marked ~arch.

I can't reproduce the snd_i8x0 Bug. The Kernel-config and the layout of the CD is the same as 2005.0 so it normally should work. Drew, can you give some more information, please?

Dell-Problems: General problem, not only, but mostly seen with Dell-Computers. Working on it also in the regular releng-work.
Comment 30 Kai Leibrandt 2005-05-28 02:48:01 UTC
I was sad to see after downloading -r2 that dump & restore are still missing...
Did they just fall off or is there a problem with them?


Comment 31 Ian Stakenvicius 2005-08-17 11:22:16 UTC
Eagerly awaiting a 2005.1 version!  (ie, 2.6.12 kernel, dmraid support)

With the current (2005.0-r2) cd, having pdcd202xx_new compiled in statically
means that you can't use the pata_pdc2027x.ko module to access Promise
PATA-based raid images.  And since dmraid is currently missing....
Comment 32 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-10-27 11:48:33 UTC
Comment 33 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-12-01 16:19:49 UTC
I'm closing this bug as the Dolphin project seems to be dead for a long time and the current RelEng team is not working on anything similar.