ModelSim is the world's most popular and widely used VHDL and mixed-VHDL/Verilog simulator and the fastest-growing Verilog simulator. ModelSim SE is a premium product, with the features and sign-off support necessary for cutting-edge ASIC and high-end FPGA development
Created attachment 4135 [details] modelsimSE-5.5f.ebuild
Created attachment 4136 [details] modelsimSE-5.5f.ebuild
Created attachment 4137 [details] modelsimSE-5.6d.ebuild
Oops didn't mean to attach twice. Reason for two ebuilds: they use different licenses. There's a problem with the ebuilds: on the ftp site the files for different releases have the same name. I don't think its possible to override the fetch behaviour in portage to rename them, so if you try to update or change versions you must manually rm /usr/portage/distfiles/model* first.
Created attachment 4183 [details] modelsimSE-5.5f[or 5.6d].ebuild, cleaner ebuild, version independent
any chance of getting this commited?
finally added it to cvs :) (5.7d)
This should be in app-sci along with the other VLSI and verilog stuff, not media-gfx.
That should be app-sci not media-gfx
rgr ... and dont add me as cc, i'm on the games list
This isnt a game, its software for digital hardware design.
now in app-sci, thanks for pointing that out