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Bug 57940 - Handbook lacks instructions for moving a package between categories
Summary: Handbook lacks instructions for moving a package between categories
Alias: None
Product: Community Relations
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Developer Relations (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Community Relations Team
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Reported: 2004-07-22 02:20 UTC by Stuart Herbert (RETIRED)
Modified: 2004-08-25 04:04 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Stuart Herbert (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-22 02:20:57 UTC
Subject says it all.

Best regards,
Comment 1 Tim Yamin (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-22 02:41:59 UTC
Is it? There's
Comment 2 Stuart Herbert (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-22 03:06:24 UTC

a) An 'ebuild policy' document perhaps isn't the most obvious place to look for this information, given that this is a handbook and not simply a collection of individual documents.
b) There's no mention of epkgmove.  Does adding a single line to 'profiles/updates' actually move the package in CVS?

Best regards,
Comment 3 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-22 03:36:47 UTC
no.  adding the line to the updates file is how you tell portage what you moved around in cvs.  epkgmove is a bit touchy at times, but it's pretty useful when it does work...  I'm not sure we should put it in the handbook because AFAIK (and I might be wrong) it's not production ready...
Comment 4 Tim Yamin (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-01 05:46:01 UTC should now cover this - I've added in both "Doing It The CVS Way <TM>" and "epkgmove". Please tell me if things need more detail or any changes you would like.
Comment 5 Tim Yamin (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-25 04:04:50 UTC
Draft merged into the Handbook - closing as FIXED.