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Bug 52882 - Monkey's Audio Codec (mac) ebuild
Summary: Monkey's Audio Codec (mac) ebuild
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED)
Keywords: EBUILD
: 59602 101497 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Blocks: 60124
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2004-06-03 07:39 UTC by Joël
Modified: 2010-03-03 09:08 UTC (History)
17 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

media-sound/mac/mac-3.99.ebuild (mac-3.99.ebuild,479 bytes, text/plain)
2004-06-03 07:41 UTC, Joël
Download this file and store it into /usr/portage/distfiles (mac-3.99-u4-linux.tar.gz,400.79 KB, application/octet-stream)
2004-06-03 07:43 UTC, Joël
new ebuild (mac-3.99.ebuild,505 bytes, text/plain)
2004-06-03 07:53 UTC, Joël
License file for /usr/portage/licenses (MonkeysAudioSource,1.15 KB, text/plain)
2004-07-21 02:33 UTC, Joël
Ebuild with corrected header, deps and license (mac-3.99.ebuild,660 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-21 02:48 UTC, Joël
Final updated ebuild with fixes suggested by Jeremy (thanks !!) (mac-3.99.ebuild,980 bytes, text/plain)
2004-07-21 05:07 UTC, Joël
mac-3.99.ebuild (mac-3.99.ebuild,893 bytes, text/plain)
2004-08-06 07:23 UTC, Mathias Gumz
media-sound/mac-3.99-r1 (mac-3.99-r1.ebuild,924 bytes, text/plain)
2004-09-28 03:36 UTC, Denis Knauf
mac-3.99-r1.patch (mac-3.99-r1.patch,407 bytes, patch)
2004-09-28 03:36 UTC, Denis Knauf
Details | Diff
media-libs/mac- (mac-,819 bytes, text/plain)
2006-02-19 21:11 UTC, Espen Rønnevik
gentoo-executable-stack.patch (gentoo-executable-stack.patch,291 bytes, patch)
2006-02-19 21:14 UTC, Espen Rønnevik
Details | Diff
media-plugins/xmms-mac-0.3.1.ebuild (xmms-mac-0.3.1.ebuild,562 bytes, text/plain)
2006-05-29 15:14 UTC, Russell Yanofsky
media-libs/mac- (mac-,767 bytes, text/plain)
2007-09-21 16:09 UTC, Andrea Rizzolo
media-plugins/audacious-mac-0.2.1.ebuild (audacious-mac-0.2.1.ebuild,512 bytes, text/plain)
2007-09-21 16:10 UTC, Andrea Rizzolo
mac- (mac-,1.26 KB, text/plain)
2007-12-25 22:24 UTC, Rafał Skórzyński
improved ebuild for media-libs/mac- (mac-,843 bytes, text/plain)
2008-05-30 01:41 UTC, rpansky
updated ebuild (mac-,853 bytes, text/plain)
2009-03-25 19:51 UTC, Jouni Rinne
Fixes build error with current mac-3.99-u4-b5 (mac.patch,784 bytes, patch)
2010-03-03 09:08 UTC, Clemens Gruber
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Joël 2004-06-03 07:39:28 UTC
This is an ebuild for the Monkey's Audio codec.
Comment 1 Joël 2004-06-03 07:41:04 UTC
Created attachment 32587 [details]

ebuild for Monkey's Audio Codec v3.99 (command-line)
Comment 2 Joël 2004-06-03 07:43:33 UTC
Created attachment 32588 [details]
Download this file and store it into /usr/portage/distfiles

Please notice me if the .tar.gz file exists somewhere on the web :-)
Comment 3 Joël 2004-06-03 07:53:20 UTC
Created attachment 32591 [details]
new ebuild

- updated license to "MAC"
- updated website URL
- changed to ~x86 (you can emerge with:  ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="~x86" emerge mac)
Comment 4 Ermanno Poggi 2004-07-09 02:35:03 UTC
for me works very well!
Why don't put this in the portage, also hard masked, I search a lot before find this!
Comment 5 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-09 05:18:30 UTC
Ermanno: it's not in portage yet becasue there are tons of other sound bugs that need my attention.  Thank you for testing it.
Comment 6 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-21 01:58:34 UTC
Joel: Pleasse don't attatch the distfiles here... You just need to provide the correct SRC_URI in the ebuild itself.
Comment 7 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-21 02:00:44 UTC
There are other reasons why this can't be accepted in its current state.  Please see for a list of common ebuild mistakes and attach a corrected version.

Comment 8 Joël 2004-07-21 02:33:59 UTC
Created attachment 35862 [details]
License file for /usr/portage/licenses
Comment 9 Joël 2004-07-21 02:48:13 UTC
Created attachment 35864 [details]
Ebuild with corrected header, deps and license

Sorry for uploading the distfile. I thought it was a good idea because its
difficult to find on the web.

Following the guidelines I've fixed the header, deps and license. I've attached
the new license file that is specific to Monkey's Audio source code. Thanks :-)
Comment 10 Joël 2004-07-21 02:50:21 UTC
Ah, one more thing - the license file is UTF-8 because it contains the (c) symbol and special quotes in it. Is this okay?  Otherwise we can convert it with iconv, I guess.
Comment 11 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-21 03:01:28 UTC
The SRC_URI needs to be set... otherwise, give better information on how to get the file in pkg_nofetch() because i can't find it on the website...


src_unpack() {
	unpack ${A}

# ^ Not needed... that's the default

src_compile() {
        cd "${WORKDIR}/${P}-u4"

# ^ What's wrong with econf?  Put in || die after emake when you use it, but this is redundant as it is the default

src_install() {
        dobin "${WORKDIR}/${P}-u4/src/Console/mac"

# ^ Install documentation as well... and youu shouldn't be doing a 'dobin' from the full path like that...

Also, set S=${WORKDIR}/${P}-u4
Comment 12 Joël 2004-07-21 05:07:14 UTC
Created attachment 35868 [details]
Final updated ebuild with fixes suggested by Jeremy (thanks !!)
Comment 13 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-21 09:43:31 UTC
Ah... I see the problem... it uses some weird redirection stuff that lacks the real filename... that's very odd...  I'll just mirror it on gentoo's mirrors instead...
Comment 14 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-21 09:52:45 UTC
also... what makes it -amd64?
Comment 15 Joël 2004-07-21 10:03:10 UTC
Yeah.. that site belongs to the guy who helped porting the Monkey code to linux. I don't think he would want too much bandwidth anyway -- so yes, would be a good idea to mirror this precious file :-)

Sorry about the "-amd64". In fact, I haven't tried on amd64 at all..
Comment 16 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-21 10:14:29 UTC
I tested it, and it actually segfaults on amd64, so it is -amd64 until someone gets around to fixing it =(  I made a few changes... the src_install() needs 'make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die' instead of the 'dobin' because it will then install all the headers and libs as well...

So it's all set to commit... almost... I am not too sure about the LICENSE... part 2 seems a bit unacceptable to me...

2. The use of any of the Monkey’s Audio source code or any component thereof from another program requires express written permission from the author of Monkey’s Audio.

We are using the source code, so AFAIK, our users would require the express written permission from the author to emerge this...

I'm going to get some feedback from others before I commit this.
Comment 17 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-21 10:14:29 UTC
I tested it, and it actually segfaults on amd64, so it is -amd64 until someone gets around to fixing it =(  I made a few changes... the src_install() needs 'make DESTDIR="${D}" install || die' instead of the 'dobin' because it will then install all the headers and libs as well...

So it's all set to commit... almost... I am not too sure about the LICENSE... part 2 seems a bit unacceptable to me...

2. The use of any of the Monkeyâs Audio source code or any component thereof from another program requires express written permission from the author of Monkeyâs Audio.

We are using the source code, so AFAIK, our users would require the express written permission from the author to emerge this...

I'm going to get some feedback from others before I commit this.
Comment 18 Jeremy Huddleston (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-25 22:08:42 UTC
I have not heard back from th eupstream developer for clarification / revision of the license, and as such, I cannot include this in portage.  If you are interested in this getting into portage, then pleasse try getting the upstream dev to revise the license or choose an accepted license (LGPL-2.1 would probably be a good bet).
Comment 19 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-06 05:58:58 UTC
*** Bug 59602 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20 Mathias Gumz 2004-08-06 07:23:49 UTC
Created attachment 36886 [details]

with this ebuild no obscure fetching of files needed. its all in one.
Comment 21 Chris White (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-19 12:27:10 UTC
I'm going to try and get ahold of the developer once again.  MAC is a really
great codec, and I'd like to have it avaliable.  If I don't recieve a 
secondary response, I'll simply CLOSED the bug.  Otherwise I'll work on the 
ebuild and see what needs to be done.  The hopefully outcome is that the
developer will change the license to GPL or clarify the license to something
that allows better re-distrobution.
Comment 22 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-19 13:37:00 UTC
Chris: Sebastian Trueg, the author of K3B, never got an anser too. This guy knows why he named his codec Monkey's...
Comment 23 Mathias Gumz 2004-08-19 23:26:25 UTC
this (;action=display;num=1083472938) explains why he doesnt respond to mails :) 

and this (;action=display;num=1084141922) sounds like he is not against the usage of mac and the xmms-plugin in other distribution. 

furthermore: wasnt he saying that one need his permission if one wants to use the _code_ in other software products? that doesnt concern the compiled version of xmms-plugin and mac, does it?
Comment 24 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-20 03:16:15 UTC
Mathias: It's problematic that his license terms are vague and not even consistent between what you can read on his website and what you find inside of the source package. What he says i these forums is pretty uninteresting.

In the end I would say: flac is free, why bother about ape?!
Comment 25 Mathias Gumz 2004-08-20 03:40:02 UTC
when i read this license.html from the package thats fetched from my ebuild i only see "its free for personal" and "source .. source .. source in other tools or if you make money with it".

i can hardly imagine a reason, why gentoo should have a problem with that since we wouldnt use the source to create something new but only the binaries.

flac: sure, but does it help to hear .ape - files if you stumble over them? i pmsg'ed him, lets see if he responds. if not and the gentoo-devs decide to close this bug the only thing is to provide unofficial ebuilds .. and thats fine for me too. regards, mathias
Comment 26 Chris White (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-20 07:07:18 UTC
According the the forum link that was provided, the author is considering
alternative licenses (bsd style and LGPL).  Should the author choose to 
change to one of these licenses, I'll update the ebuild, do the usual QA stuff
and THEN add it to the tree.
Comment 27 Denis Knauf 2004-09-28 03:36:09 UTC
Created attachment 40595 [details]

patch (next attachment) included to be more gcc-3.4-conform.
changes can be see in the patch ;)
Comment 28 Denis Knauf 2004-09-28 03:36:52 UTC
Created attachment 40596 [details, diff]
Comment 29 Roman Gaufman 2004-12-27 05:20:42 UTC
why isnt this on portage yet?
Comment 30 Stephane Loeuillet 2004-12-27 05:29:56 UTC
reply to comment #28 :

because of a fucking licence

the author can't be reach by mail (it bounces back) and he did not come back to his forum for monthes. he's Missing In Action, send Chuck Norris now.

as long as MAC would have this licence, few people would use it

long live to flac, which has a known/acceptable licence
Comment 31 David Monterroso Cabello 2005-02-03 02:31:13 UTC
Hi there!

Just tried to merge it, but the source file is not available anymore

Where can i get it?, AFAIK this file got the mac and de xmms 
plugin source, so it is a little bit special

Thanx in advance
Comment 32 Jackey Yang ("timeout" in forum) 2005-02-09 10:02:21 UTC
Comment 33 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-08-05 17:30:00 UTC
*** Bug 101497 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 34 Yuri Vasilevski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-10-17 18:53:57 UTC
It looks like this tool is now released under ``LGPL
Comment 35 Yuri Vasilevski (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-10-17 18:53:57 UTC
It looks like this tool is now released under ``LGPL´´ license at .

But the COPYING file is quite funny, so I in-line it for you to decide if it's
acceptable for portage:

--- COPYING ------
Due to the license <License.htm>, so I can't make it public,
Last November, I decided to register mac-port at SourceForge,
so I had to choose an open source license, so I chosen LGPL
for this mac-port. It is close to the original license,
but doesn't get the permission from the original author, Matt.

This license would be changed when the author asks in the
Comment 36 Tobias Sager 2006-02-05 23:45:28 UTC
I believe the license would now be acceptable:
Comment 37 Espen Rønnevik 2006-02-19 21:11:37 UTC
Created attachment 80236 [details]

Ebuild for the latest release of Monkey's Audio Codec, put under the LGPL licence.
Comment 38 Espen Rønnevik 2006-02-19 21:14:34 UTC
Created attachment 80237 [details, diff]

Patch to prevent executable stacks generated by assembly file
Comment 39 ppn 2006-02-22 06:04:55 UTC
this : ebuild mac-3.99-u4-b4.ebuild digest   give a failure :
!!! portage/mac-3.99-u4-b4 does not follow correct package syntax.

I tested several directories:  
but, I have this message
Comment 40 Lars Strojny 2006-02-22 15:09:40 UTC
The problem is the "u4-b4"-prefix. Try to avoid this.
Comment 41 Espen Rønnevik 2006-02-22 16:53:13 UTC
My mistake, changed the description of the ebuild to the filename I used :)
Comment 42 ppn 2006-02-24 09:38:40 UTC
thanks, it success
Comment 43 Michiel de Bruijne 2006-03-15 05:15:03 UTC
Is it possible to reopen this bug? The main reason that this bug is marked as WONTFIX is/was the license, which has changed and IMHO isn't valid anymore.

k3bmonkeyaudioplugin-3.0 is released under the GPL and the Monkey's Audio Source Code License Agreement states that Monkey's Audio source can be included in GPL and open-source software.
Comment 44 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-03-15 08:34:40 UTC
(In reply to comment #41)
> Is it possible to reopen this bug? The main reason that this bug is marked as
> WONTFIX is/was the license, which has changed and IMHO isn't valid anymore.
> k3bmonkeyaudioplugin-3.0 is released under the GPL and the Monkey's Audio
> Source Code License Agreement states that Monkey's Audio source can be included
> in GPL and open-source software.

No, nothing has changed... see Bug 94477 and relatively recent debate on gentoo-dev ML. The license is still as ridiculous as it has always been and the forked project tarball contains a fake invalid LGPL license. 

This won't go to portage, period.
Comment 45 Michiel de Bruijne 2006-03-15 09:16:03 UTC
(In reply to comment #42)
> (In reply to comment #41)
> > Is it possible to reopen this bug? The main reason that this bug is marked as
> > WONTFIX is/was the license, which has changed and IMHO isn't valid anymore.
> > 
> > k3bmonkeyaudioplugin-3.0 is released under the GPL and the Monkey's Audio
> > Source Code License Agreement states that Monkey's Audio source can be included
> > in GPL and open-source software.
> > 
> >
> No, nothing has changed... see Bug 94477 and relatively recent debate on
> gentoo-dev ML. The license is still as ridiculous as it has always been and the
> forked project tarball contains a fake invalid LGPL license. 
> This won't go to portage, period.

I'm sorry but I don't understand, are you saying that the developers from are not the copyright holder, forked the code illegally and changed the license?
Comment 46 Alexandre Buisse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-03-16 04:13:00 UTC
They seem to be the real copyright holders but they don't provide the sources of their software, even when asked to (which is a violation of their own licence, btw). For now, the ebuild in this bug uses the unofficial linux port, hosted in, which has a fake LGPL licence. Hence the WONTFIX.

If you can manage to have the initial copyright holder either give the sources or acknowledge the LGPL licence macport, then we'll reopen it, but you wouldn't be the first one to try...
Comment 47 Russell Yanofsky 2006-05-29 15:14:10 UTC
Created attachment 87829 [details]

Attaching ebuild for Monkey's Audio XMMS plugin, also part of the sourceforge mac-port project
Comment 48 Andrea Rizzolo 2007-09-21 16:09:36 UTC
Created attachment 131527 [details]
Comment 49 Andrea Rizzolo 2007-09-21 16:10:27 UTC
Created attachment 131529 [details]

xmms is obsoleted..Ive added audacious plugin
Comment 50 Rafał Skórzyński 2007-12-25 22:24:51 UTC
Created attachment 139316 [details]

Comment 51 rpansky 2008-05-30 01:41:41 UTC
Created attachment 154775 [details]
improved ebuild for media-libs/mac-

In 3.99-u4-b5:
1. asm support for both x86 and amd64 is added. It needs now yasm rather than nasm.
2. backward compatibility is removed.

So we need a new ebuild.
Comment 52 Jouni Rinne 2009-03-25 19:27:47 UTC
The project has been removed from Sourceforge, but the sources are still available from
Comment 53 Jouni Rinne 2009-03-25 19:51:40 UTC
Created attachment 186251 [details]
updated ebuild
Comment 54 Clemens Gruber 2010-03-03 09:08:20 UTC
Created attachment 221913 [details, diff]
Fixes build error with current mac-3.99-u4-b5

Maybe someone could add this patch to the masked ebuilds. Fixes "invalid conversion from 'const char*' to 'char*' APELink.cpp" error.