When present /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/proto.vim makes vim detect files starting with a # as "conf" instead of their proper types. I don't understand why there is a augroup and a ! in the proto.vim file. Having only "au BufRead,BufNewFile *.proto setfiletype proto" fixes the issue. Reproducible: Always
I'm pretty sure this isn't an issue anymore with recent vim versions (see below). However, if the file isn't detected as any other file type it will fallback to conf which isn't a bug with proto.vim. Pulled from vim patch changelog: Patch 7.2.310 Problem: When a filetype plugin in ~/.vim/ftdetect uses ":setfiletype" and the file starts with a "# comment" it gets "conf" filetype. Solution: Check for "conf" filetype after using ftdetect plugins. Files: runtime/filetype.vim
No, this is not the bug. I am using vim 7.3.409. dev-libs/protobuf 2.4.0a Please check the contents of /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/proto.vim, it's the one causing the issue, not vim. In my system vim config, conf is already detected after all other filetypes, BUT proto.vim screws all that with the directives *around* "au BufRead,BufNewFile *.proto setfiletype proto".
(In reply to comment #2) > No, this is not the bug. > I am using vim 7.3.409. > dev-libs/protobuf 2.4.0a > > Please check the contents of /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/ftdetect/proto.vim, > it's the one causing the issue, not vim. In my system vim config, conf is > already detected after all other filetypes, BUT proto.vim screws all that > with the directives *around* "au BufRead,BufNewFile *.proto setfiletype > proto". I had already checked with these stable versions since that's what I assumed you were using but I couldn't reproduce the bug using them or the latest ~arch versions. It might be an issue with your config or interaction with other plugins on your system since those versions have both been stable for a long time without anyone else noticing any related issue. Anyway, I altered the file in CVS, but without a revbump so re-emerge protobuf if you want it fixed or alter the file manually.