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Bug 45150 - Separate debug information for packages built with portage
Summary: Separate debug information for packages built with portage
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 112907
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Core (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: Portage team
Keywords: Inclusion
Depends on:
Reported: 2004-03-19 11:44 UTC by Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Modified: 2006-01-04 05:29 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

the patch.. version 1 (keepdebug.patch,12.03 KB, patch)
2004-03-19 11:45 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
fixed patch (keepdebug2.patch,12.31 KB, patch)
2004-03-21 07:52 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
newer version (keepdebug3.patch,9.80 KB, patch)
2004-03-21 08:30 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
new version.. against cvs (keepdebug5-cvs.patch,7.19 KB, patch)
2004-05-30 11:53 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
patch for the ebuild.. agsint 2.0.51_pre9 (keepdebug-ebuild.patch,1.16 KB, patch)
2004-05-30 11:54 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
debugedit (debugedit.tar.bz2,12.30 KB, application/octet-stream)
2004-05-30 11:56 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
update of version against cvs (keepdebug5-cvs2.patch,7.23 KB, patch)
2004-07-18 09:18 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
Updated patch (keepdebug5-cvs3.patch,6.60 KB, patch)
2005-03-12 06:15 UTC, Richard Lärkäng
Details | Diff
Updated patch (keepdebug5-cvs4.patch,6.51 KB, patch)
2005-09-25 07:40 UTC, Richard Lärkäng
Details | Diff
debugedit from rpm-4.4.3 (debugedit-4.4.3.tar.bz2,12.64 KB, application/octet-stream)
2005-11-20 15:37 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
ebuild for debugedit (debugedit-4.4.3-ebuild.tar.bz2,2.44 KB, application/octet-stream)
2006-01-03 18:53 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
patch to add keepsources (prepstrip-keep-sources.patch,741 bytes, patch)
2006-01-03 19:03 UTC, Olivier Crete (RETIRED)
Details | Diff

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Description Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-19 11:44:16 UTC
Here is a patch to allow portage to build packages with the debug info stored in a separate file. Which gives the memory advantage of stripped executables and the debug information. I've added two FEATURES, keepdebug and keepdebugbin. keepdebug only keeps the information for libraries, the info is kept for executables only if keepdebugbin is set too. setting keepdebugbin but not keepdebug might break stuff. Its particularly useful if -g is in the CFLAGS, as that will produce huge debug files. 

For the implementation details, I've added keepdebug in most places were nostrip is, I hope I didn't forget anything. This requires a fairly recent binutils to work and gdb 6.0 to be useful. The debug information for a file x is kept in .debug/x.dbg is the same directory as the x file (the .debug directory name is where gdb will look by default).
Comment 1 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-19 11:45:10 UTC
Created attachment 27633 [details, diff]
the patch.. version 1
Comment 2 Nicholas Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-20 16:00:18 UTC
That's a huge patch...

I'm guessing your testing it a lot?
Comment 3 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-20 19:37:11 UTC
Well, I have to change many places, there might be a nicer way to do this (I noticed that many scripts (such as dobin/dosbin) are almost identical so it may be possible to have common code called by both. I havent tested it too much yet, but I build all of my libs with keepdebug now. I was hoping that others might be interested too and might want to help testing. 
Comment 4 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-21 07:52:16 UTC
Created attachment 27738 [details, diff]
fixed patch

Oops, first patch did not include the keepdebugbin stuff and...

After a little more research, I discovered that we can use normal strip instead
 of strip -g if binutils > ..8 which is ~arch on everything but s390. That
would make the patch much smaller (dont have to switch between strip and strip
-g and dont have to filter out install -s). And would give real stripped
executables at the end.. 

I'm also not sure how keepdebug should interact with nostrip when both are
given. The current version gives the user a separate debug info and a
non-stripped file, so the debug information is duplicated. But I suppose that's
giving the user more choice.
Comment 5 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-21 08:30:04 UTC
Created attachment 27739 [details, diff]
newer version

here is a version that will work with binutils >= ...8 It might work with ..7
but I need to do more testing.. btw, this patch is 80 lines shorter than the
first iteration..
Comment 6 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-05-30 11:53:52 UTC
Created attachment 32328 [details, diff]
new version.. against cvs

New better version.. Uses eu-strip from elfutils.. 
I've introduced a another new FEATURES called "keepsources", it installs the
sources for the preserved debug info into /usr/src/debug/${P}. keepsources only
does something if nostrip, keepdebug or keepdebugbin are there.. 
Also, should be removed, its used nowhere..
This patch is against the bin/ directory of the CVS.. I also have a version
against 2.0.50, but I guess that has little interest.
Also, it removes the stripping from any of the do* scripts, it doesnt belong
there. That's necessary anyways if we want to do it at the end to keep the
debug information.
Comment 7 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-05-30 11:54:53 UTC
Created attachment 32329 [details, diff]
patch for the ebuild.. agsint 2.0.51_pre9
Comment 8 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-05-30 11:56:27 UTC
Created attachment 32330 [details]

also, this belongs in src/ and is installed if the debug USE flag is used. Its
necessary for keepsources to work.. If the packages is -debug, its not
installed and keepsources just wont work, it should break nothing else..
Comment 9 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-07-18 09:18:56 UTC
Created attachment 35701 [details, diff]
update of version against cvs

I've updated the patch against cvs.. it would be nice if it went in before the
current portage stabilises...
Comment 10 Nicholas Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-09-04 09:36:31 UTC
Ok. Looking at that patch in detail sometime soon.
Comment 11 Alias John Doe 2005-02-21 20:19:00 UTC
i am a newwbe:
1)is the patche already merged in oficial portage ? or againt what should i apply it ?
2)what should i add to FEATURE in make.conf to have separate symbols & src
3) do u have a kind of ~/.gdbrc to autoconf gdb
5) the patche just look quite safe to include it in masked portage

6) this trhread is cool :)
Comment 12 Alias John Doe 2005-02-21 20:24:19 UTC
7) and how do u compile?
gcc debugedit.c -o debugedit
/tmp/ccVvZyHD.o(.text+0x237): In function `read_abbrev':
: undefined reference to `htab_try_create'
/tmp/ccVvZyHD.o(.text+0x277): In function `read_abbrev':
: undefined reference to `htab_delete'
[other stuff ...]
what are gcc options for compilation ?
Comment 13 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-02-22 06:18:49 UTC
To answers comments #11 and #12

1) its not yet.. and I havent updated it in a while.. so I'm not even sure it still applies
2) keepdebug (to keep it for libs) and keepdebugbin (for bins too)
3) no
4) Where is 4?
5) I totally agree!
7) emerge elfutils popt ; gcc -o debugedit debugedit.c hashtab.c -lelf -lpopt
Comment 14 Richard Lärkäng 2005-02-22 07:38:17 UTC
> and I havent updated it in a while.. so I'm not even sure it still applies

I tried the patch last week and it doesn't seem to apply anymore.
Comment 15 Richard Lärkäng 2005-03-12 06:15:18 UTC
Created attachment 53254 [details, diff]
Updated patch

Here's an updated patch that applies cleanly to portage-2.0.51-r15

It seems to work fine, but I haven't tested it very much.
Comment 16 Jason Stubbs (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-07-28 07:25:20 UTC
Putting a hold on feature requests for portage as they are drowning out the 
bugs. Most of these features should be available in the next major version of 
portage. But for the time being, they are just drowning out the major bugs and 
delaying the next version's progress. 
Any bugs that contain patches and any bugs for etc-update or dispatch-conf can 
be reopened. Sorry, I'm just not good enough with bugzilla. ;) 
Comment 17 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-08-01 19:57:52 UTC
There is a working patch here (I maintain it and use it on my system)... Only an
ebuild for debugedit is missing (or it could be included with portage, but it
depends on and libpopt).
Comment 18 Richard Lärkäng 2005-09-25 07:40:35 UTC
Created attachment 69216 [details, diff]
Updated patch

Here's an updated patch that applies cleanly to portage-2.0.52-r1
Comment 19 Jason Stubbs (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 06:34:04 UTC
*** Bug 112907 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 20 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 06:52:53 UTC
Please see bug 112907 for a cleaner method of doing this.
Comment 21 Jason Stubbs (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 06:56:36 UTC
That's not enough.. You at least need to see why it's cleaner, what the pros  
are of using objcopy versus debugedit, etc. As far as I can see, you are both 
doing the same thing in a different way. Olivier's patch is a lot messier, but 
that's only because several FEATURES are added by it. 
Comment 22 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 07:24:39 UTC
Few things that come to mind.

1. elfutils eu-strip is not very portable. (probably wont work on bsd/osx) for
sure not on uclibc.
2. the method of stripping proposed on this bug is not cross-compiler friendly.
3. The FEATURE= is unneeded. this should be enabled per default for everything
but the released media (and that we should save elsewhere).
4. using .gnu_debuglink via objcopy is the way the toolchain intends for this to
be done.
5. /usr/lib/debug is one of the default search dirs for symbols.
6. 112907 is the same way other distros do it. (deb uses .dbg vs .debug as an
extention. redhat and co use .debug)
7. debugedit is a new dep. It's not in the tree yet. It would depend on popt also.
8. libopts(),instinto(),execinto() from attachment #35701 [details, diff] where it prevents
stripping at that stage is the right thing todo.
Comment 23 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 07:28:06 UTC
Sorry I ment attachment #69216 [details, diff]
Comment 24 Jason Stubbs (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 08:01:40 UTC
Okay, part of binutils; that works. Do you know what version it started in? 
Also, there's a corner case that needs to be dealt with. xorg-x11 does it's 
own stripping. Perhaps a {dyn,src}_strip() is needed at the changeover? 
Comment 25 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 08:20:38 UTC
The important thing that my patch does and your's doesnt it keeping the sources
in /usr/src/debug which very useful for debugging into libraries. and that'
where a large part of the mess is (that's what debugedit is used for).

I agree with you that objcopy is much better.. I used eu-strip simply because
when I first wrote it, the objcopy from stable binutils didnt have the separate
debug stuff. 

Your version is not multilib friendly (that's unacceptable for amd64 at least).

Not being able to disable debug info is not very small hard disk friendly..

Comment 26 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 08:23:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #24)
> Okay, part of binutils; that works. Do you know what version it started in? 
> Also, there's a corner case that needs to be dealt with. xorg-x11 does it's 
> own stripping. Perhaps a {dyn,src}_strip() is needed at the changeover? 

fwiw, this is only necessary on non-dlloader (e.g., <=6.8.2) so will become a
non-issue with the stabilization of 7.0 and removal of 6.8.2. It should be
released around 7 December, according to
Comment 27 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 09:01:36 UTC
(In reply to comment #24)
> Okay, part of binutils; that works. Do you know what version it started in? 

Jason, Looks like July 2003
Looking at an old I see it there.

(In reply to comment #25)
> Your version is not multilib friendly (that's unacceptable for amd64 at least).

How so? This as far as I know should play along with multilib perfectly well
The executable you attempt to debug path is matched.

> Not being able to disable debug info is not very small hard disk friendly..

INSTALL_MASK="/usr/lib/debug" or do you really want to tied it to a feature? 
Comment 28 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 09:25:00 UTC
Oops, on the multilib thing, sorry, I didnt read properly, it seems fine (I hate
bash string processing).

The INSTALL_MASK trick doesnt allow keeping the debug info just for libraries
and not executables... and it uses much more temporary space when building. But
I guess if its a space problem, then INSTALL_MASK will do..

The only other thing then that your version (which I agree is much cleaner)
doesnt do is the keepsources, you could add something like this to your
save_elf_debuf() function. And I'll add debugedit to the tree as its own ebuild,
I agree its only useful for developers, not "normal users"

if [ -x /usr/bin/debugedit ] ; then
	debugedit -b ${WORKDIR} -d /usr/src/debug/${P} -l ${T}/debug.sources "$x"
	if [ -s ${T}/debug.sources ]; then 
		[ -d ${D}/usr/src/debug/${P} ] || mkdir -p ${D}/usr/src/debug/${P}
	 	cat ${T}/debug.sources | (cd ${WORKDIR}; LANG=C sort -z -u | xargs -0 -- cp
--parents -p --target-directory="${D}usr/src/debug/${P}" )
Comment 29 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 14:50:36 UTC
Why you would want to save the sources. Pehrpas try -g3 -ggdb when building.

I get.

onyx gdb # gdb -q `which q`
Using host libthread_db library "/lib/".
(gdb) b main
Breakpoint 1 at 0x8057cec: file main.c, line 858.
(gdb) quit

The logic for keepdebugbin is 90% correct. It assumes that shared objects are
not executables. About 10% of the userbase are hardened users.
So users with that toolchain enabled create ET_DYN executables by default.

Perhaps the simplest solution is to simply /usr/lib/debug/{s,usr/s,usr/,}bin

Or if we want to shoot for that 100% mark.. (like catch mozilla and co)
We could simply look for ET_DYN or ET_EXEC files containing the symbol main()
The scanelf tool makes it quite easy.
scanelf -F'%o %F#s' -s main -qyR ${D} | grep ^ET_'\(EXEC\|DYN\)'

Anyway I'm quite pleased with the attached prepstrip on bug #112907 and would 
rather see that merged in it's basic form before we started adding additional 
functionality onto it. Would that work for everyone for the next release?
Comment 30 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-18 15:07:11 UTC
In reply to comment #29)
> Why you would want to save the sources. 

It makes it much easier debug into libraries (which sometimes have bugs). That's
the only reason. What do you not like about the implementation in comment #28 ?

I dont care too much about keepdebugbin.. I guess that part can wait for a
further release. The INSTALL_MASK way is probably good enough for now. If anyone
cares enough, I guess they'll write something better for a later release.

Comment 31 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-19 11:42:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #30)
>  What do you not like about the implementation in comment #28 ?

It's not that I dont like it. I've just never used debugedit. The checks that
check that debugedit is executable which makes it optional. So thats ok for the 
arches/libcs that wont be able to compile it.
Comment 32 Paul de Vrieze (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 12:32:44 UTC
There is actually another point where debugedit comes to use. It would enable
setting the source location to a logical location where one could easilly have
the sources without them being in a temp directory. It would be easy to have
ebuild install them on demand.
Comment 33 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 14:06:57 UTC
We we please add this debugedit ebuild to the tree so the rest of us can 
see how we can benefit from it's use. 
It's hard to justify features which depend on code from ebuilds not in the tree 
yet. My lastsync was on Sun Nov 20 02:36:43 UTC 2005 so if debugedit is already 
in the tree but not my $PORTDIR yet sorry for the noise.
Comment 34 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 14:21:04 UTC
debugedit is attached here.. I'll make an ebuild.
Comment 35 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 14:27:48 UTC
the reason I had not done a separate ebuild was that I was thinking of including
it into portage and installing it into /usr/lib/portage/bin .. (redhat puts it
in /usr/lib/rpm/debugedit).
Comment 36 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 15:37:15 UTC
Created attachment 73275 [details]
debugedit from rpm-4.4.3

I'm attaching an updated version of debugedit taken from rpm-4.4.3 .. I'm a bit
inconfortable with the idea of making it a separate package.. We could just use
it from /usr/lib/rpm ... although I also dont like the idea of forcing ppl to
install rpm to get the feature...
Comment 37 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 16:23:04 UTC
The attached debugedit will need to 
depend="!elibc_glibc? ( gnulib ) popt ( elfutils || libelf )"
portage itself depending on rpm is not really an option. The masses would scream.
Comment 38 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 17:12:00 UTC
I'm not sure both elfutils and libelf work.. (we'd have to test)..
I was saying that the other possibility was to only enable it when rpm is
present (like we do ccache or distcc).. but I guess its not really nice. Or the
other option is to make debugedit into its own package and only enable the
sources thing when its present.
Its not really nice either to make portage depend on popt and elfutils and
Comment 39 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-20 17:44:36 UTC
Ok so what do you want todo here?
I started a thread on the portage-dev mailing list about making pax-utils a
depend. I don't think there are any objections to it as it can be used to 
improve a number of the bash/elf tasks we already preformed.

Are we in agreement that the prepstrip from the other bug should be merged for
starters? I think yes with one concern if should it be enabled per default or not.
Comment 40 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-11-27 12:06:07 UTC
When adding this to portage, we also need to think to add "debug" to
MULTILIB_STRICT_EXEMPT in the amd64 profiles, otherwise it breaks multilib-strict
Comment 41 solar (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-12-26 09:35:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #40)
> When adding this to portage, we also need to think to add "debug" to
> MULTILIB_STRICT_EXEMPT in the amd64 profiles, otherwise it breaks multilib-strict

debug added to the defaults.

Are you going to put a debugedit ebuild in the tree?
Comment 42 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-01-03 18:53:07 UTC
Created attachment 76121 [details]
ebuild for debugedit

here is the ebuild for debugedit.. it will get it from my dev space. its the same that's attached here.
Comment 43 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-01-03 19:03:55 UTC
Created attachment 76124 [details, diff]
patch to add keepsources

since solar's patch has been committed for bug #112907 in SVN 2374. I'm obsoleting my old patch and just adding the patch to add support for debugedit.. which I'm adding to the tree under dev-util/debugedit
Comment 44 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2006-01-04 05:29:48 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 112907 ***