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Bug 33372 - [metabug] packages incompatible with python-2.3.x
Summary: [metabug] packages incompatible with python-2.3.x
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal
Assignee: Python Gentoo Team
Depends on: 29392 33754 33971 35168 35268 35471 35475
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Reported: 2003-11-13 00:29 UTC by Alastair Tse (RETIRED)
Modified: 2004-06-26 13:09 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Allow PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION to contain a version (zope-pyversion.patch,1.09 KB, patch)
2003-12-08 15:23 UTC, Andy Dustman
Details | Diff
Allow PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION to contain a version (zope-pyversion.patch,1.09 KB, patch)
2003-12-09 09:27 UTC, Andy Dustman
Details | Diff

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Description Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-13 00:29:20 UTC
Here's a list of packages that don't work or conflict with python-2.3:

csv - included in python-2.3
optik - included in python-2.3

There is probably a whole lot more. This list is to keep check of which ones
that need to be bumped to whatever (stable/etc) when python-2.3 is introduced.
Comment 1 Stephen Boulet 2003-11-19 04:36:59 UTC
From the Zope 2.7.0 beta 3 announce:

Note that Zope 2.7 now requires Python 2.3.2.
Comment 2 Andy Dustman 2003-12-06 18:26:39 UTC
Also note that Python-2.3.3 will likely be out within the next month, so it is probably not worth marking as stable until that happens.
Comment 3 Andy Dustman 2003-12-08 14:59:04 UTC
net-zope/zope-2.6.2 does not build with python-2.3.2, i.e. PYTHON_VERSION_SLOT="VIRTUAL".

I propose the following change to the ebuild:

--- /usr/portage/net-zope/zope/zope-2.6.2.ebuild        2003-10-30 09:58:06.000000000 -0500
+++ /usr/local/portage/net-zope/zope/zope-2.6.2-r1.ebuild       2003-12-08 17:30:07.036201180 -0500
@@ -23,6 +23,9 @@
 if [ "${PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION}" = 'VIRTUAL' ] ; then
+elif [ "${PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION}" != '' ] ; then
+       RDEPEND="=dev-lang/python-${PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION}*"
+       python="python${PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION}"

i.e. allow PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION to actually contain a slot version.

This seems to work, in that setting PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION="2.2" makes it compile with python2.2. Perhaps this is already planned for, depending on your reading of these comments in the ebuild:

# This is for developers that wish to test Zope with virtual/python.
# If this is a problem, let me know right away.
# I wondering if we need a USE flag for this. But I'm planning to have
# a private environmental variable called PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION set in
# ebuilds to build extensions for python2.1.

Looking at /usr/portage/eclass/distutils.eclass, I think it needs the same treatment as the above patch: It really only considers version 2.1 and anything else is virtual.

Wishlist item: I would really like it if Python extensions (or at least those using the distutils eclass) would install in all installed versions of python. That is, if I have python2.1, python2.2, and python2.3 installed, and I emerge mysql-python, portage builds it for each version. (Zope's probably an exception to this; it's a bit more than an extension.)

BTW, mysql-python-0.9.2 might not work with Python-2.3, but I should be pushing out 0.9.3 by the end of the year, which does work with 2.3.
Comment 4 Andy Dustman 2003-12-08 15:23:50 UTC
Created attachment 21896 [details, diff]
Allow PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION to contain a version

This is an updated version of the previous patch (in a comment). It updates the

warning that you get if you specify PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION.
Comment 5 Andy Dustman 2003-12-09 09:27:50 UTC
Created attachment 21936 [details, diff]
Allow PYTHON_SLOT_VERSION to contain a version

This is a slightly reworked version, which only changes the warning message a
Comment 6 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-24 13:47:02 UTC
<=dev-libs/boost-1.30 apparently is not compatible with 2.3.x, need to bump that to stable
Comment 7 Thomas Ferencz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-01-26 12:05:31 UTC
gdesklets don't appear to work since updating to Python-2.3.3 - it exits with a ImportError: could not import bonobo.ui message. Reemerging gnome-python, bonobo-python, pygtk and gdesklets did not help.
Comment 8 Andy Dustman 2004-06-25 13:17:49 UTC
Since 2.3.3 is now stable on all platforms, and 2.3.4 is in testing, maybe it's time to close this, and any other packages that turn up can have their own bugs.
Comment 9 Alastair Tse (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-06-26 13:09:05 UTC
yeah i think we can close this bug out now. thanks!