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Bug 311 - Additional install methods
Summary: Additional install methods
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Core system (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Release Team
: 1734 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-01-24 09:04 UTC by Grant Goodyear (RETIRED)
Modified: 2004-03-15 11:49 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Grant Goodyear (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-01-24 09:04:35 UTC
We're getting enough users now that it seems we need to work a bit on
installation methods.  A boot floppy would be nice, but perhaps just a 
good set of instructions for how to install from a different distro would 
suffice.  We desperately need PPP and PPPoE in the next iso, along with 
instructions on how to use them, and we need docs on how to get pcmcia 
networking configured from the iso.  If I'm missing anything, please add to
this "bug"!
Comment 1 Daniel Robbins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-02-20 00:05:36 UTC
pppd and wvdial is now on the iso, and we now have a binary CD.  Slowly working
on this.  Some docs for pppd and wvdial would be handy.
Comment 2 Marc Soda 2002-03-07 15:42:04 UTC
This is something I could do Daniel.  Some additional boot methods:

* Floppy/Net floppy
* Intalltion from a different distro, similar to the way the Hurd is installed.
* PPP docs
* PCMCIA docs
* A kickstart install for multiple installs.
* A DHCP client/server install for a large number of simultanious installs.
(Stop me if I'm getting carried away.;)
Comment 3 Marc Soda 2002-03-07 15:46:27 UTC
Sorry I accidentally submitted that to early.

Anyway, pretty much everything Grant said.  I could begin implementation as well
as documentation.  I know this would be big for my first "bug" fix, but I'm up
for it.  Let me know.
Comment 4 Daniel Robbins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-03-07 15:49:15 UTC
OK, Marc.  We need it.  We need to be the easiest-to-install distro out there. 
Right now our problem is access.  I'd like to have an install method that uses a
single network-enabled floppy (used to create partitions, mount them and then
extract a tarball (grabbed via wget) on top of them).  The same floppy could be
used with an accompanying CD-ROM for systems that can't boot from CD.  But we
really need a good, modular multi-faceted install system that's based on Gentoo
Linux.  So, I say go for it!  Email me privately and we can chat about some
areas you can focus on.
Comment 5 Robert Liao 2002-03-19 21:02:30 UTC
I've gotten the Gentoo LINUX to install without using the CD or Netboot.
I kinda cheated and installed another distro but realized that that step 
wasn't necessary.

It boils down to getting

onto some partition out there (preferably something like boot).

You could probably use Tom's root boot to do this. Create a 50 MB "boot" 
partition with ext2, and copy kernel and rescue.gz to it.

Next, you use GRUB and point to your makeshift partition (take some of the 
GRUB instructions from the Netboot install docs like the kernel params and 
initrd params)
***Change the RAMDisk size to 22000 (it failed with the other number)***

After all this is done, you should be good to go. You then just follow the 
Gentoo CD Boot Install Instructions.

Hope This Helps.

Robert Liao
Comment 6 SpanKY gentoo-dev 2002-09-22 23:35:19 UTC
*** Bug 1734 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 7 Charles Goodwin 2003-12-13 15:56:48 UTC
Is this bug still relevant?  Shouldn't each individual boot method that is intended be logged as a separate enhancement bug once somebody is working on it?

Can I mark it as invalid or wontfix?
Comment 8 John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-15 11:49:46 UTC
we now support most of these install methods. The only one that I could think of that we don't is by floppy, and there is already a bug open for that. closing.