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Bug 30381 - masks diversification
Summary: masks diversification
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Conceptual/Abstract Ideas (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Portage team
: 25397 (view as bug list)
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Reported: 2003-10-05 04:06 UTC by crusaderky
Modified: 2004-08-03 12:58 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description crusaderky 2003-10-05 04:06:51 UTC
I'd suggest to create different types of masks. Essentially, each package has a mask inside the ebuild file (KEYWORDS would become deprecated). Then you will have a masks_override file updated by rsync and another mask_override that can be freely modified by the user. The final mask is the result of the preceding three.
Each mask should be accompained by its architecture.

The masks should be:

1) ultra-stable  (Ux86) - not recent package, but that has been throughly tested
2) stable          (Sx86, currently x86)
3) beta             (Bx86, currently ~x86) - seems to work but needs more testing, or some users reported lesser bugs
4) alpha           (Ax86) - just in, not properly tested yet, or some users reported major bugs
5) security       (!x86) - this package has security vulnerabilities

emerge --pretend should report what version it wants to install and, if upgrading, what version it is installed:

emerge -up openssl
[ebuild U S] openssl-0.9.6k [0.9.6j !]

In this case, the whole line should be in red, while updates from other packages should be in green as usual.

Then, emerge should have a --mask option, like this:

emerge --mask ! --update world

That means "update all packages with security issues". This would be VERY handy for dialup users, that would become able to fix security issues (even using a cron command) every 24 hours without even reading the security advisories.

Note that it would be very different from

MASK="!x86" emerge --update world

that means "update all packages to the highest version available, also using beta, alpha and security releases". Such a command would obviously be a suicide.
Comment 1 George Shapovalov (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-06 14:53:05 UTC
Cool, as this mirrors the structure I was proposing (for a bit different
purpose) quite some time ago (see #1523 for example) I would not be against
 this (logical-wise, although there might be some infrastructure issues).

Just one thing: I would rather see !x86 extended to provide general masking
functionality - "automated" package.mask, to bare better with this whole
streamlined ebuild rocessing scheme, should this idea surface again. Besides
I remember talks (long time ago :)), that package.mask was considered to
be more of a transitinal, "quick and dirty" solution, so this will nicely
wrap it up in a larger scheme.

Also, following the -hardened mailing list I seem to recall that our security
team was considering measures that would technically work as a separate pipeline
(i.e. way of providing independent security upgrades) for a related ebuilds.

Comment 2 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-06 15:14:29 UTC
security updates will be handled differently by using a XML version of GLSAs,
see GLEP 14 for details. 
The major problem with this: how do get (positive) feedback?
Both stable and stats are in unknown state, the Janitor project was dead
two weeks after its start. Without feedback the whole thing won't work and
even with a working feedback system I think it will only work for 10-20%
of the packages. One alternative to a feedbakc system would be an automatic
update tool that's changing keywords after a defined period of time, but
that would create a bunch of other problems.
Comment 3 crusaderky 2003-10-07 10:54:43 UTC
> Both stable and stats are in unknown state, the Janitor project was dead
two weeks after > its start
What do you mean?

I think that using a script that automatically "promotes" masks from alpha
to beta to stable to ultra-stable after a taken period of time would be simply
criminal. "This program has been tested enough" is not a mathematic equation
and manual updating of masks is absolutely required.

At most you could use a script that makes you note "hey, you don't have received
any bugs reports for N weeks. why don't you update flags?" - but that's another

> The major problem with this: how do get (positive) feedback?
Positive feedback is absence of bug reports, that means that 
(a) the program is stable 
(b) there are so few users that use it that you really don't care :)
However, this is nothing new...
Comment 4 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-11 01:07:43 UTC
*** Bug 25397 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 crusaderky 2003-10-11 06:25:50 UTC
The two files that override masks (let's call them portage.mask for the one
updated by rsync and user.mask for the user-specific one) should have the
following syntax:

package     version(s)     from_mask      to_mask


openoffice    >=1.1-rc1,<1.1      ab        s

that means, "change the flag for all openoffice 1.1-RC* versions to stable,
but only if they were alpha or beta."

from_mask is VERY important, since without it, for example, if I modify user.mask
for openoffice 1.1-rc3 setting it to stable,

openoffice =1.1-rc3     s

and after that a security bug is found in it, so that a line is found in

openoffice =1.1-rc3     !

since user.mask is processed *after* portage.mask the package will be marked
as stable and the user won't notice that there is a security issue.

Instead, with this syntax:

in portage.mask:
openoffice =1.1rc3       absu       !

in user.mask:
openoffice =1.1rc3       ab           s

the mask for openoffice will not be changed by user.mask if it has become
"!" after processing portage.mask.
Comment 6 crusaderky 2003-10-11 06:28:04 UTC
mmh... better rename ultra-stable (U) to hardened (H), since "U" sounds like
Comment 7 John Nilsson 2003-12-06 01:22:57 UTC
Shouldnt an ebuild contain information about what has happend since the last revision.

Dependency change
Feature change

this way you could allow only bugfixes.

And just an idea (while it is in my head)
If you have package-a.b.c
would you then get the bug propability by this formula?

Comment 8 crusaderky 2003-12-08 14:00:08 UTC
etcat -c for changelog... and for the "stability formula" that's completely useless as it varies completely between packages: some are production-stable already at version 0.2.0, while others are suicidal to use at version 6.0-SP1... :)
Comment 9 Nicholas Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-12-24 12:00:24 UTC
I think this involves too much work on behalf of the maintainers
and would probably confuse the users too much.
Comment 10 Marius Mauch (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-08-03 12:58:25 UTC
With GELP22 in the background this will become completely unmanagable.