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Bug 296345 - kde 4.4.4: Compilation error when creating help search index - bad xslt pattern
Summary: kde 4.4.4: Compilation error when creating help search index - bad xslt pattern
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo KDE team
Whiteboard: [kde testing]
Keywords: InOverlay
Depends on:
Blocks: 313999
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2009-12-09 21:41 UTC by Alexey Shildyakov
Modified: 2010-12-14 16:10 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Alexey Shildyakov 2009-12-09 21:41:32 UTC
When I'm creating KDE help base search index, I see many errors like this:

130:140:1:help://kinfocenter/dma/index.docbook:  size = 2011
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
131:157:1:help://kinfocenter/protocols/index.docbook:  size = 1074
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template
xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
132:156:1:help://kinfocenter/ioports/index.docbook:  size = 1998
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template
xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
133:155:1:help://kinfocenter/index.docbook:  size = 8852
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template
xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'

I think it's not related to KDE but maybe my Gentoo configuration, isn't it?
Comment 1 Alexey Shildyakov 2009-12-09 21:42:49 UTC
So nothing can be searched.
Comment 2 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-03-15 23:23:25 UTC
What's your KDE version? 
Does the problem still exist with KDE 4.3.5 ???
Comment 3 Alexey Shildyakov 2010-03-30 19:41:17 UTC
Now I have installed KDE 4.3.5. And the problem still exist in the system.
Comment 4 G. Náray 2010-04-14 12:49:23 UTC
Same problem here. True, i did not install whole kde, but what i installed is version 4.3.5.
Some thoughts. The mentioned file (/usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl) belongs to kdelibs package, and indeed contains line 38, which is: <xsl:template match="sect*/title|emphasis">
Maybe the compiler is part of libxslt package, which fails to compile that pattern.

Additional, maybe not very related info, that even if there are the mentioned errors, for example i can still see the help of kdiff3, kopete. However, i can not see the help of kmuddy, k3b, krename. So i can see certain help pages, and can not see other ones.
Comment 5 Alexey Shildyakov 2010-05-30 14:59:45 UTC
Still exists with KDE 4.4.3. Is it a KDE bug?
Comment 6 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-06-13 16:12:26 UTC
Same here, confirmed for kde-4.4.4

(12166) main: cmdFile: "/tmp/kde-huettel/khelpcenteru11949.tmp" (12166) main: indexDir: "/home/huettel/.kde4/share/apps/khelpcenter/index/" (12166) main: can access (12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::IndexBuilder: IndexBuilder() (12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::buildIndices: Opened file ' "/tmp/kde-huettel/khelpcenteru11949.tmp" ' (12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::buildIndices: LINE: "/usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/ --indexdir=/home/huettel/.kde4/share/apps/khelpcenter/index/ --docpath=khelpcenter:kde_application_manuals --identifier=kde_application_manuals" (12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue: IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue() (12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue: PROCESS: "/usr/lib64/kde4/libexec/ --indexdir=/home/huettel/.kde4/share/apps/khelpcenter/index/ --docpath=khelpcenter:kde_application_manuals --identifier=kde_application_manuals"
Creating index for 'kde_application_manuals'
INDEXDIR: /home/huettel/.kde4/share/apps/khelpcenter/index/ FINDCMD: find /usr/share/doc/HTML/en/ -name index.docbook
ht://dig Start Time: Sun Jun 13 18:08:44 2010
Warning: unknown locale!

New server: localhost, 0
New server: kdepasswd, 80
New server: systemsettings, 80
New server: blogilo, 80
New server: knotes, 80
New server: kmenuedit, 80
New server: kleopatra, 80
New server: kdesu, 80
New server: khelpcenter, 80
New server: konsole, 80
New server: okular, 80
New server: korganizer, 80
New server: klipper, 80
New server: kcalc, 80
New server: kalarm, 80
New server: kate, 80
New server: akregator, 80
New server: kwallet, 80
New server: kdiff3, 80
New server: kabcclient, 80
New server: krdc, 80
New server: thesaurus, 80
New server: kjots, 80
New server: kdm, 80
New server: dragonplayer, 80
New server: kioslave, 80
New server: kompare, 80
New server: dolphin, 80
New server: juk, 80
New server: konsolekalendar, 80
New server: kmail, 80
New server: kwatchgnupg, 80
New server: ktimetracker, 80
New server: kgpg, 80
New server: kinfocenter, 80
New server: ksysguard, 80
New server: kmix, 80
New server: ark, 80
New server: kxkb, 80
New server: ksnapshot, 80
New server: plasma-desktop, 80
New server: konqueror, 80
New server: kontact-admin, 80
New server: knetattach, 80
New server: kdebugdialog, 80
New server: kimagemapeditor, 80
New server: kontact, 80
New server: kdesvn, 80
New server: knode, 80
New server: kcontrol, 80
New server: k3b, 80
New server: kwrite, 80
New server: kfind, 80
New server: koffice, 80
New server: marble, 80
New server: network, 80
New server: sonnet, 80
+ size = 16698
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template
xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
1:97:1:help://kcontrol/helpindex/index.docbook:  size = 5713
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
2:158:1:help://kcontrol/filemanager/index.docbook:  size = 1946
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
3:157:1:help://kcontrol/khtml-behavior/index.docbook:  size = 3453
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
4:156:1:help://kcontrol/proxy/index.docbook:  size = 6445
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
5:155:1:help://kcontrol/keyboard/index.docbook:  size = 3153
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
6:154:1:help://kcontrol/nepomuk/index.docbook:  size = 5101
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'


160:93:1:help://kimagemapeditor/index.docbook:  size = 4169
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
161:84:1:help://kmix/index.docbook:  size = 22506
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
162:57:1:help://kompare/index.docbook:  size = 42912
compilation error: file /usr/share/apps/ksgmltools2/customization/htdig_index.xsl line 38 element template xsltCompilePattern : failed to compile 'sect*/title'
163:19:1:help://klipper/index.docbook:  size = 18414
htdig: Run complete
htdig: 57 servers seen:
htdig:     akregator:80 1 document
htdig:     ark:80 1 document
htdig:     blogilo:80 1 document
htdig:     dolphin:80 1 document
htdig:     dragonplayer:80 1 document
htdig:     juk:80 1 document
htdig:     k3b:80 1 document
htdig:     kabcclient:80 1 document
htdig:     kalarm:80 1 document
htdig:     kate:80 1 document
htdig:     kcalc:80 1 document
htdig:     kcontrol:80 62 documents
htdig:     kdebugdialog:80 1 document
htdig:     kdepasswd:80 1 document
htdig:     kdesu:80 1 document
htdig:     kdesvn:80 1 document
htdig:     kdiff3:80 1 document
htdig:     kdm:80 1 document
htdig:     kfind:80 1 document
htdig:     kgpg:80 1 document
htdig:     khelpcenter:80 6 documents
htdig:     kimagemapeditor:80 1 document
htdig:     kinfocenter:80 18 documents
htdig:     kioslave:80 25 documents
htdig:     kjots:80 1 document
htdig:     kleopatra:80 1 document
htdig:     klipper:80 1 document
htdig:     kmail:80 1 document
htdig:     kmenuedit:80 1 document
htdig:     kmix:80 1 document
htdig:     knetattach:80 1 document
htdig:     knode:80 1 document
htdig:     knotes:80 1 document
htdig:     koffice:80 1 document
htdig:     kompare:80 1 document
htdig:     konqueror:80 1 document
htdig:     konsole:80 1 document
htdig:     konsolekalendar:80 1 document
htdig:     kontact-admin:80 1 document
htdig:     kontact:80 1 document
htdig:     korganizer:80 1 document
htdig:     krdc:80 1 document
htdig:     ksnapshot:80 1 document
htdig:     ksysguard:80 1 document
htdig:     ktimetracker:80 1 document
htdig:     kwallet:80 1 document
htdig:     kwatchgnupg:80 1 document
htdig:     kwrite:80 1 document
htdig:     kxkb:80 1 document
htdig:     localhost:0 1 document
htdig:     marble:80 1 document
htdig:     network:80 1 document
htdig:     okular:80 1 document
htdig:     plasma-desktop:80 1 document
htdig:     sonnet:80 1 document
htdig:     systemsettings:80 1 document
htdig:     thesaurus:80 1 document

HTTP statistics
 Persistent connections    : Yes
 HEAD call before GET      : Yes
 Connections opened        : 0
 Connections closed        : 0
 Changes of server         : 0
 HTTP Requests             : 0
 HTTP KBytes requested     : 0
 HTTP Average request time : 0 secs
 HTTP Average speed        : 0 KBytes/secs

ht://dig End Time: Sun Jun 13 18:08:53 2010
Finished successfully.
(12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::sendProgressSignal: IndexBuilder::sendProgressSignal() (12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue: IndexBuilder::processCmdQueue() (12166) KHC::IndexBuilder::quit: IndexBuilder::quit()
Comment 7 Alexey Shildyakov 2010-06-15 03:52:10 UTC
KDE bugtracker ticket
Comment 8 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-06-22 20:30:59 UTC
The file that fails to compile has not been modified for ages. 

This looks like a bug in dev-libs/libxslt-1.1.26. Filed it there too:

CC'ing the gnome team, maybe they know more. 
Comment 9 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-07-08 22:13:34 UTC
Not a bug in libxslt, but indeed invalid xslt in the kde file. 

Patched in the overlay, please test (especially for !=4.4.90).
Comment 10 Alexey Shildyakov 2010-07-09 23:19:11 UTC
After compilation I have next errors:

It's not for this bug but just show what is next result if patched.
Comment 11 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-11-02 23:33:47 UTC
Maciej, do you know if this is fixed with the handbook eclass code? 
(Cant really test 4.4.x here, but 4.5 is ok...)
Comment 12 Andreas K. Hüttel archtester gentoo-dev 2010-12-14 16:10:34 UTC
I think that this should be fixed. Please reopen if not.