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Bug 2626 - xmingw-2.95.2.ebuild + supporting cast (New Package)
Summary: xmingw-2.95.2.ebuild + supporting cast (New Package)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-05-09 19:21 UTC by David Snopek
Modified: 2003-10-02 03:38 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

A set of ebuilds for xmingw (xmingw.tbz2,1.98 KB, application/octet-stream)
2002-05-09 19:23 UTC, David Snopek
A tar.gz with the Xmingw ebuilds (xmingw.tar.gz,1.78 KB, application/x-tar)
2002-05-09 19:32 UTC, David Snopek

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Description David Snopek 2002-05-09 19:21:56 UTC
I have written a set of ebuilds for building a mingw cross-compiler as per the
instructions on

I originally tried to fit it all into one ebuild but that proved impossible
because certain components wouldn't build without others previously installed. 
The attached archive puts the ebuilds in dev-util but I really believe that
there should be a dev-cross category for future cross-compilers (for embeded
devices problably).  Also, this uses *very* old versions of binutils, gcc and
mingw but it works.  I am going to attempt to build a cross-compiler based on
gcc-2.95.3/4 but this is a start right?
Comment 1 David Snopek 2002-05-09 19:23:15 UTC
Created attachment 923 [details]
A set of ebuilds for xmingw
Comment 2 David Snopek 2002-05-09 19:32:20 UTC
Created attachment 924 [details]
A tar.gz with the Xmingw ebuilds
Comment 3 David Snopek 2002-05-09 19:34:31 UTC
I am sorry about the problems with the attachments!  I was hoping I could make
it easy to download by adding the second one with a good MIME-type.  Next time I
will add the ebuilds individually as text - maybe I will do that yet!  Anyway, I
am new to Bugzilla - sorry, again!
Comment 4 Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-05-12 12:58:56 UTC
No worries. Bugzilla sucks, but it's the best we could find. 

As for your suggestion about a dev-cross category, it shall be done. I have a
few other cross-compilers as well, so it is time to put them all together in a
sensible category. 

I'll take care of this within the next few hours.
Comment 5 Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-05-13 19:02:25 UTC
I am most likely going to rename xmingw to i386-mingw32msvc, as to keep it in
line with the other cross-compiler names. 
Comment 6 David Snopek 2002-05-15 06:49:03 UTC
calling it i386-mingw32msvc works for now, but this is using a very old verion
of mingw - hence the name mingw32msvc.  I believe new mingw based compilers are
just i386-mingw. Just something to keep in mind.
Comment 7 Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-05-28 14:19:16 UTC
Will do. Sorry about the delay. I'm a bit swamped just now.
Comment 8 Justin Huff 2002-08-05 16:04:41 UTC
Not to pester...but is there an ETA on dev-cross?
Is there a reasonably elegant way to handle this?  Another thing is that a user
might want to have several different cross envs for the same arch.  For example,
I have one StrongARM board that uses glibc2.2 and another that is 2.4.
How can I help?
Comment 9 Nicholas Wourms 2002-08-31 01:23:40 UTC
A cygwin cross-compiler would be nice, too :-)
Comment 10 Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-09-08 15:11:32 UTC
Sorry I wasn't able to finish the cross-compiling guidelines before the 1.4
freeze. I currently have three other cross-compilers that avait addition, but
it's not going to happen until the ebuild freeze lifts.
Comment 11 Karl Trygve Kalleberg (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-03 08:26:54 UTC
Any chance you can take a look at this, with the recent updates to gcc-config and all?
Comment 12 Seemant Kulleen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-08-23 14:20:12 UTC
David,  any way for this to work with the gcc-config stuff?
Comment 13 David Snopek 2003-08-24 21:22:25 UTC
I haven't worked with this ebuild in awhile.  I originally put it together to get a software package building for Windows which now builds natively.  So it would take some serious motavation for me to pick it up again.

But I am wondering why you would want it to use gcc-config?  This would serve to set the xmingw compiler as the default compiler ran by typing "gcc".  When would this ever be useful?  This is a cross compiler remember.  When performing cross builds, a software package commonly needs access to the native compiler to build its own toolset.
Comment 14 Stefan Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-01 04:40:56 UTC
I will have a go at making a set of ebuilds that provide a w32 compiling
for gentoo, using new gcc, binutils and the required headers and libraries.

It is possible as SDL has such a great tarball which works at

The large tarball is what I want the ebuilds to produce,

GNU assembler 2.13.90 20030111
i386-mingw32msvc-gcc (GCC) 3.2.3 (mingw special 20030504-1)

and all the headers and libraries ( can get these from

I have tested it and it produces binaries which run great under wine.
Comment 15 Stefan Jones (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-10-02 03:38:07 UTC
As I said I would I have made a new set of ebuild which are:


from the sources at

They install in /opt/xmingw a complete set of programs to compile Win32 apps.

All are bootstrapped compleatly from source.

To use emerge the above and then try:
i386-mingw32msvc-gcc hello.c -o hello.exe
( using a simple C program, to produce a MS hello.exe )
wine hello.exe ( to test it!! )

All done, closing bug