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Bug 233434 - Ebuild for Launchy 2.1.1
Summary: Ebuild for Launchy 2.1.1
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Christoph Mende (RETIRED)
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-07-31 00:12 UTC by Bruno Barão
Modified: 2013-03-25 17:59 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

ebuild (launchy-2.1.1.ebuild,682 bytes, text/plain)
2008-07-31 12:05 UTC, Bruno Barão
patch (launchy-makefile.patch,651 bytes, patch)
2008-07-31 12:06 UTC, Bruno Barão
Details | Diff
To add to /usr/share/autostart (launchy-autostart.desktop,292 bytes, text/plain)
2008-07-31 12:22 UTC, Bruno Barão
Ebuild for 2.1.2 with better dependancies (launchy-2.1.2.ebuild,622 bytes, text/plain)
2008-10-03 02:48 UTC, Phil
The other patch had irrelevent changes (gentoo-qmake.patch,658 bytes, text/plain)
2008-10-03 02:49 UTC, Phil
even better ebuild (launchy-2.1.2.ebuild,886 bytes, text/plain)
2008-10-03 03:26 UTC, Phil
Patches the makefile to not build calcy if boost isn't installed (launchy-nocalcy.patch,1.43 KB, patch)
2008-10-03 03:26 UTC, Phil
Details | Diff
Obsoletes old qmake patch, name change. (launchy-qmake.patch,658 bytes, patch)
2008-10-03 03:27 UTC, Phil
Details | Diff
A cleaned-up version for eapi 2 and somewhat closer to coding standards (launchy-2.1.2.ebuild,849 bytes, text/plain)
2009-09-25 04:46 UTC, Livid
Fixes a launchy problem that occurs in combination with (kde?) and compiz manager (launchy-compiz.patch,2.58 KB, patch)
2009-09-26 14:26 UTC, T. S.
Details | Diff
Ebuild for Launchy 2.5 (launchy-2.5.ebuild,562 bytes, text/plain)
2011-04-16 14:21 UTC, Lie Ryan

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Bruno Barão 2008-07-31 00:12:54 UTC
Launchy is a free windows and linux utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager.

Launchy indexes the programs in your start menu and can launch your documents, project files, folders, and bookmarks with just a few keystrokes!


And i made an ebuild for it:


# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $

inherit eutils

DESCRIPTION="Launchy is a free windows and linux utility designed to help you forget about your start menu, the icons on your desktop, and even your file manager."

KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~x86"


        gnome? ( gnome-base/libgnome )"

src_unpack() {
  unpack ${A}
  cd "${S}"

  epatch "${FILESDIR}"/${PN}-makefile.patch

src_compile() {
  emake || die "emake failed"

src_install() {
  emake DESTDIR="${D}" install || die "install failed"


diff -Naur a/makefile b/makefile
--- a/makefile  2008-07-30 22:05:53.000000000 +0100
+++ b/makefile  2008-07-30 22:07:55.000000000 +0100
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@

@@ -60,4 +60,4 @@
        -rm -rf $(PLATFORMS_PATH)
        -rm -rf $(SKINS_PATH)
        -rm $(DESTDIR)$(DESKTOP_PATH)/launchy.desktop
-       -rm $(DESTDIR)$(ICON_PATH)/launchy.png
\ No newline at end of file
+       -rm $(DESTDIR)$(ICON_PATH)/launchy.png 

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Wormo (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-07-31 06:45:49 UTC
Thanks for the submission, but can you please add these files as attachments instead of inside a comment? This will prevent formatting problems that can happen when code is pasted as part of a comment.
Comment 2 Dmitry Dzhus 2008-07-31 07:27:34 UTC
Hi Bruno, note that default src_compile does the same `emake || die`, so there is no really need to write it in this case.
Comment 3 Bruno Barão 2008-07-31 12:05:58 UTC
Created attachment 161829 [details]
Comment 4 Bruno Barão 2008-07-31 12:06:19 UTC
Created attachment 161830 [details, diff]
Comment 5 Bruno Barão 2008-07-31 12:22:36 UTC
Created attachment 161832 [details]
To add to /usr/share/autostart
Comment 6 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-07-31 14:06:38 UTC
- These build time dependencies are for sure runtime dependencies as well.
- Qt 4 dependency is incorrect, see bug 217161#c11 for more information.
Comment 7 Phil 2008-10-03 02:48:40 UTC
Created attachment 167046 [details]
Ebuild for 2.1.2 with better dependancies
Comment 8 Phil 2008-10-03 02:49:46 UTC
Created attachment 167047 [details]
The other patch had irrelevent changes
Comment 9 Phil 2008-10-03 03:26:11 UTC
Created attachment 167052 [details]
even better ebuild

I have added a "calcy" USE flag, since boost is only required to build calcy.
Comment 10 Phil 2008-10-03 03:26:58 UTC
Created attachment 167053 [details, diff]
Patches the makefile to not build calcy if boost isn't installed
Comment 11 Phil 2008-10-03 03:27:27 UTC
Created attachment 167054 [details, diff]
Obsoletes old qmake patch, name change.
Comment 12 Phil 2008-10-03 03:29:03 UTC
I apologize for going crazy with the attachment updates.  This is my first time sending ebuilds to bugzilla.
Comment 13 Yeom Jaehyun 2008-11-27 16:20:54 UTC
Thank you for the useful ebuild!

Will this ebuild be added to portage tree?
Comment 14 Livid 2009-09-25 04:46:03 UTC
Created attachment 205181 [details]
A cleaned-up version for eapi 2 and somewhat closer to coding standards
Comment 15 T. S. 2009-09-26 14:26:58 UTC
Created attachment 205294 [details, diff]
Fixes a launchy problem that occurs in combination with (kde?) and compiz manager

Option "Hide launchy if it looses focus is set". This problem only occurs
with that option set.
If sth. is typed and the suggestion list opens up launchy disappears
(looses focus) when a key (any expect up/down arrow) is pressed. So there
is no way to correct input after the sug. list appears.

Details about the bug (dependencies etc):

Nobody did something to fix that bug (at least one other reporter with other distro experienced the same) so I tried it some month ago. I manually hacked the cahnges into the source. But now it was recompiled by portage and the behvaiour apperaed again. So i decied to do it better this time.

If you have the same problem just download the patch into the files dir of your local overlay, modify your ebuild to show:
   epatch "${FILESDIR}/launchy-qmake.patch"
   epatch "${FILESDIR}/launchy-compiz.patch"
instead of only:
   epatch "${FILESDIR}/launchy-compiz.patch"
, run ebuild launchy-2.1.2.ebuild digest and recompile.
Comment 16 Sebastian Luther (few) 2009-11-25 13:42:33 UTC
Hello, The Gentoo Team would like to firstly thank you for your ebuild
submission. Unfortunately it is possible that your ebuild might not reach the
portage tree in a timely manner. There are simply too many new packages.

Allow me to use this opportunity to introduce you to Gentoo Sunrise. The Project
Sunrise overlay [1] is a overlay for Gentoo which we allow trusted users to
commit to and all users can have ebuilds reviewed by Gentoo devs for entry into
the overlay. Please read the SunriseFaq [2] for additional information.

Comment 17 Lie Ryan 2011-04-16 14:21:25 UTC
Created attachment 270195 [details]
Ebuild for Launchy 2.5
Comment 18 Christoph Mende (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-04-19 19:48:22 UTC
this has been added to portage on april 15 already. you might want to look at the ebuild for learning purposes.
Comment 19 Richard Yao (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2013-03-25 17:59:06 UTC
Launchy is is in tree and is maintained by angelos. Closing as resolved.