About the default profile for amd64, specific in the file default-linux/amd64/use.mask, on Jan/4, Diego Petten unmasks this use flag. But, later on the _same_ file, on Feb/2, Simon Stelling masks the flag and justify it with bug#156885, which is about firebird 1.5*, but this affects all versions. I have firebird 2.* installed and can't compile php with supports for it because os Simons' masking for firebird 1.5*, so, I think this is bug in profile. (ps.: sorry my poor english, it's not my native language) Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: command $ USE=firebird emerge dev-lang/php -vp Actual Results: about command shows firebird flag as forced disabled and will compile normally but without firebird support. Expected Results: firebird use flag should be activable when using firebird 2.*
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 187532 ***