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Bug 162437 - [QA] net-mail/dovecot-1.0_rc17 has poor programming practices
Summary: [QA] net-mail/dovecot-1.0_rc17 has poor programming practices
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Roy Marples (RETIRED)
: 174139 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2007-01-16 21:42 UTC by Sandro Bonazzola (RETIRED)
Modified: 2007-04-12 15:24 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Define LDAP_DEPRECATED (dovecot-ldap.patch,512 bytes, patch)
2007-04-12 08:34 UTC, Roy Marples (RETIRED)
Details | Diff

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Description Sandro Bonazzola (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-01-16 21:42:12 UTC
* QA Notice: Package has poor programming practices which may compile
 *            fine but exhibit random runtime failures.
 * db-ldap.c:178: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_search’
db-ldap.c:395: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_result2error’
db-ldap.c:411: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_bind’
db-ldap.c:461: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_init’
db-ldap.c:565: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_unbind’
passdb-ldap.c:84: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_get_values’
passdb-ldap.c:103: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_value_free’
passdb-ldap.c:155: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_result2error’
passdb-ldap.c:267: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_bind’
userdb-ldap.c:83: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_get_values’
userdb-ldap.c:103: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_value_free’
userdb-ldap.c:144: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_result2error’
Comment 1 Sandro Bonazzola (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-10 18:14:55 UTC
Still presents poor programming practices in _rc31:
* QA Notice: Package has poor programming practices which may compile
 *            fine but exhibit random runtime failures.
 * db-ldap.c:201: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_search’
db-ldap.c:425: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_result2error’
db-ldap.c:443: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_bind’
db-ldap.c:494: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_init’
db-ldap.c:599: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_unbind’
passdb-ldap.c:84: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_get_values’
passdb-ldap.c:103: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_value_free’
passdb-ldap.c:155: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_result2error’
passdb-ldap.c:268: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_bind’
userdb-ldap.c:84: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_get_values’
userdb-ldap.c:104: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_value_free’
userdb-ldap.c:146: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘ldap_result2error’

 * QA Notice: Package has poor programming practices which may compile
 *            but will almost certainly crash on 64bit architectures.
 * Function `ldap_init' implicitly converted to pointer at db-ldap.c:494
Function `ldap_get_values' implicitly converted to pointer at passdb-ldap.c:84
Function `ldap_get_values' implicitly converted to pointer at userdb-ldap.c:84
Comment 2 Roy Marples (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-12 08:34:16 UTC
Created attachment 116053 [details, diff]

Does this patch fix things for you?
Comment 3 Roy Marples (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-12 15:17:39 UTC
*** Bug 174139 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Roy Marples (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-04-12 15:24:41 UTC
Fixed in 1.0_rc31-r1