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Bug 100048 - mozilla-launcher has trouble when both firefox-bin and thunderbird-bin installed...
Summary: mozilla-launcher has trouble when both firefox-bin and thunderbird-bin instal...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Mozilla Gentoo Team
Depends on:
Reported: 2005-07-23 11:01 UTC by Allan Crossman
Modified: 2005-07-23 13:17 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Allan Crossman 2005-07-23 11:01:16 UTC
Hello -

I have installed:


It seems that, when I try to invoke "firefox" or "thunderbird", it only works
with whichever was emerged last. So, if I emerged firefox-bin then
thunderbird-bin, I can only launch "thunderbird". If I go ahead and re-emerge
firefox-bin, I can now launch "firefox" but cannot launch "thunderbird".

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Emerge mozilla-launcher, mozilla-firefox-bin, mozilla-thunderbird-bin
2. Try launching "firefox" and "thunderbird"
Actual Results:  
Only one of the programs can be launched.

Expected Results:  
Either program should be launchable.
Comment 1 Allan Crossman 2005-07-23 11:04:00 UTC
To clarify, the sort of error message I get is:

/usr/bin/firefox: can't find the browser :-(

Despite some similarities, I do not believe this is the same as bug 99512.
Comment 2 Eduardo Romero 2005-07-23 12:34:13 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> To clarify, the sort of error message I get is:
> /usr/bin/firefox: can't find the browser :-(
> Despite some similarities, I do not believe this is the same as bug 99512.

This looks like 99512 :)

Anyway, the problem resides on the ebuild: (mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.6-r1.ebuild)
 declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/firefox

They're overwriting each other...
it should be:
 declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/thunderbird

I think must be an error, i edited the ebuild file
mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.6-r1.ebuild changed to /opt/thunderbird and
everything worked (ofcourse you have to change md5 checksum on the manifest file
too) not quite fine as Thunderbird opens with the Firefox icon, but it works...

the new ebuild looks like this (but please not that this souldn't be a final fix):

# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header:
1.2 2005/0
7/22 20:40:24 agriffis Exp $

inherit eutils mozilla-launcher

DESCRIPTION="The Mozilla Thunderbird Mail & News Reader"

KEYWORDS="-* amd64 x86"

    x86? (
    amd64? (


# This is a binary x86 package => ABI=x86
# Please keep this in future versions
# Danny van Dyk <> 2005/03/26
has_multilib_profile && ABI="x86"

src_install() {
    declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/thunderbird

    # Install thunderbird in /opt
    dodir ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME%/*}
    mv ${S} ${D}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}

    # Install /usr/bin/thunderbird-bin
    install_mozilla_launcher_stub thunderbird-bin ${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}

    # Install icon and .desktop for menu entry
    insinto /usr/share/pixmaps
    doins ${FILESDIR}/icon/mozillathunderbird-bin-icon.png
    insinto /usr/share/applications
    doins ${FILESDIR}/icon/mozillathunderbird-bin.desktop

pkg_preinst() {
    declare MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/thunderbird

    # Remove entire installed instance to solve various
    # problems, for example see bug 27719
    rm -rf ${ROOT}${MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME}

pkg_postinst() {
    einfo "For enigmail, please see instructions at"
    einfo ""

    if use amd64; then
        einfo "NB: You just installed a 32-bit thunderbird"


pkg_postrm() {

Here's the new Manifest file:

MD5 bc5c172ec57bb04b0e23faad148677bc mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.5-r1.ebuild 2998
MD5 ae94edca92a8f9c25662138b5d649ca7 mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.6.ebuild 2996
MD5 5f05915619f92ecf136f50f728b11605 ChangeLog 7385
MD5 ce23390351fe8020387d93ee29e09a3d metadata.xml 160
MD5 d69bb129b0b6b78f8966cb312ee2a0f2 mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.6-r1.ebuild 2008
MD5 cac57af7f63e97aed3c1be35a58f7ea9
files/digest-mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.5-r1 71
MD5 aff32f49defdbb72570cd9a4a4a992e6
files/digest-mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.6-r1 71
MD5 552a6947de77bfa4e290acdb23a872a5 files/thunderbird-bin-0.7-init.tar.bz2 3339
MD5 aff32f49defdbb72570cd9a4a4a992e6 files/digest-mozilla-thunderbird-bin-1.0.6 71
MD5 a622df770b03edce7d158cfe97e8e315 files/icon/mozillathunderbird-bin.desktop 205
MD5 04115f0e204444eac76a092a63c89027 files/icon/mozillathunderbird-bin-icon.png 6499

Comment 3 Eduardo Romero 2005-07-23 12:41:56 UTC
Ok, looks like it may be just the typo i poined out in the previous comment...

I did changes stated earlier, then:
emerge -C mozilla-thunderbird-bin
emerge mozilla-thunderbird-bin

and it all worked just fine (back to the thunderbird icon =)

So, you can now fix this =)
Comment 4 Jory A. Pratt 2005-07-23 13:17:54 UTC
fixed in tree