Created attachment 908842 [details, diff] Patch to make the described changes to the configuration default. In a recent conversation with one of the Samba developers, Rowland Penny, he told me that nmbd (the NetBIOS daemon) is very rarely needed anymore. In addition, in learning how to configure this beast for Linux workstations to join Samba AD DC domains to support shared Linux userids and groupids across the domain, I learned that you need to build winbind (winbind USE flag) and also enable the loading of the winbind daemon (add to daemon_list in /etc/conf.d/samba). Therefore it seems reasonable to me to: 1. Remove "nmbd" from the daemon_list. 2. Conditionally add "winbind" to the daemon_list based on the state of the winbind USE flag. The attached patch modifies the ebuild and associated files to do those two things. I'm testing it on current stable (4.19.7 as of this writing) but the patch apples cleanly to all ebuilds in the tree. Thanks in advance for your attention.
Created attachment 908910 [details, diff] Patch to make the described changes to the configuration default. Small correction.
I'm discovering that other things are broken, specifically about the PAM configuration for winbind. Please consider this bug a work in progress for now.