Released 3 weeks ago. 2.5.15 Changelog: > ffmpeg: Add proper detection of new FFmpeg versions #4394 (by Darby Johnston) > ffmpeg: Retrieve timecode metadata #4396 (by Darby Johnston) > png: Bug in associateAlpha botched alpha=0 pixels #4386 > raw: Expose additional white balancing hints #4360 (by Anton Dukhovnikov) > oiiotool: -i:ch=... didn't fix up alpha and z channels #4373 > fix: Catch potential OCIO exception that we were missing #4379 > build: Finish removing Imath include #4371 (by Thiago Ize) > tests: Adjust RB-2.5 simd_test to allow a little more slop on fast_exp #4372 2.4.14 Changelog: > fix (png): Correctly read PNGs with partial alpha #4315 ( > fix(ImageBuf): Copy/paste error in the ImageBuf iterator copy constructor #4365 (by Anton Dukhovnikov) > perf/TS: Only write full metadata to the first mip level #4320 ( > dev(strutil.h): Strutil::string_is_identifier() #4333 ( > build: Avoid rebuilds due to processing of fmt headers #4313 (by Jesse Yurkovich) ( > build: Fix boost vs cmake 3.30 problem. > ci: Sanitizer new warnings about signed/unsigned offsets in openexr #4351 ( > docs: Clarify that IBA::rotate params are pixel coordinates #4358 ( > admin: More CLA explanation and how-to links #4318 ( > admin: Document my git-cliff workflow for release notes #4319 ( > security: Document CVE-2024-40630 resolution (