A package that shouldn't have FEATURES="getbinpkg" is emerged from a binary host. I usually use a binary host from one of Gentoo's binhost mirrors, so I have FEATURES="getbinpkg" in make.conf. But when debugging a package I need to install it from source code. So I created a file /etc/portage/env/debugsyms.conf with content | CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -ggdb3" | CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS} -ggdb3" | # nostrip is disabled here because it negates splitdebug | FEATURES="-getbinpkg splitdebug compressdebug -nostrip" I expect any package in /etc/portage/package.env with | foo-bar/mypackage debugsyms.env emerged by | emerge -1 foo-bar/mypackage to then be installed from source (at least if I understand https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki//etc/portage/package.env correctly). Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Have FEATURES="getbinpkg" enabled in make.conf and FEATURES="-getbinpkg splitdebug -nostrip" in /etc/portage/env/foo.conf. 2. Set foo-bar/mypackage foo.conf in /etc/portage/package.env. 3. emerge mypackage (for any package). Actual Results: The package is still emerged from a binary host not from source, no debug split debug files are produced. Expected Results: The package is emerged from source and the FEATURES from foo.conf are applied.
Forgot to mention: if I run FEATURES="-getbinpkg" emerge mypackage the feature flag -getbinpkg is respected.
Yeah, a known pesky issue we want to work on. For now, you need to manually emerge it with --usepkg=n or --getbinpkg=n. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 463964 ***