/etc/mpd.conf: [code] # These settings are the locations for the daemon log files for the daemon. # # The special value "syslog" makes MPD use the local syslog daemon. This # setting defaults to logging to syslog. # # If you use systemd, do not configure a log_file. With systemd, MPD # defaults to the systemd journal, which is fine. # log_file "syslog" [/code] /etc/init.d/mpd: [code] start_pre() { check_config local pid_dir="$(dirname "${pidfile}")" checkpath -d -m 700 -o "${mpd_user}:${mpd_group}" "${pid_dir}" local log_file="$(get_config log_file)" if [ -n "${log_file}" ]; then local log_dir="$(dirname "${log_file}")" checkpath -d -m 755 -o "${mpd_user}:${mpd_group}" "${log_dir}" fi } [/code] /etc/init.d/mpd start * checkpath: empty or relative path * ERROR: mpd failed to start The current (stable) init.d script for mpd fails to account for the special value of the log_file "syslog", and the daemon only starts if it specifies an absolute file.
The bug has been closed via the following commit(s): https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/commit/?id=7274988e561d1dfd666b5c02d39a98d7db39995e commit 7274988e561d1dfd666b5c02d39a98d7db39995e Author: Adrian Schollmeyer <nex+b-g-o@nexadn.de> AuthorDate: 2024-09-21 14:42:23 +0000 Commit: Sam James <sam@gentoo.org> CommitDate: 2024-09-22 13:06:29 +0000 media-sound/mpd: optional io-uring, fix yajl deps, support log_file=syslog This introduces yajl as a new USE flag, controlling whether the program should link against dev-libs/yajl. This is needed for two different features, hence the new REQUIRED_USE. Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/922980 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/934927 Closes: https://bugs.gentoo.org/937264 Signed-off-by: Adrian Schollmeyer <nex+b-g-o@nexadn.de> Signed-off-by: Sam James <sam@gentoo.org> media-sound/mpd/files/mpd-0.23.15.init-r1 | 61 +++++++ media-sound/mpd/metadata.xml | 2 + media-sound/mpd/mpd-0.23.15-r2.ebuild | 291 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 354 insertions(+)