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Bug 908217 (CVE-2023-1428, CVE-2023-32731, CVE-2023-32732) - <net-libs/grpc-1.55.1: multiple vulnerabilities
Summary: <net-libs/grpc-1.55.1: multiple vulnerabilities
Alias: CVE-2023-1428, CVE-2023-32731, CVE-2023-32732
Product: Gentoo Security
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Vulnerabilities (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal (vote)
Assignee: Gentoo Security
Whiteboard: A3 [stable?]
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Reported: 2023-06-10 04:59 UTC by John Helmert III
Modified: 2024-01-07 03:45 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description John Helmert III archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2023-06-10 04:59:20 UTC
CVE-2023-1428 (

There exists an vulnerability causing an abort() to be called in gRPC. 
The following headers cause gRPC's C++ implementation to abort() when called via http2:

te: x (x != trailers)

:scheme: x (x != http, https)

grpclb_client_stats: x (x == anything)

On top of sending one of those headers, a later header must be sent that gets the total header size past 8KB. We recommend upgrading past git commit 2485fa94bd8a723e5c977d55a3ce10b301b437f8 or v1.53 and above.


CVE-2023-32731 (

When gRPC HTTP2 stack raised a header size exceeded error, it skipped parsing the rest of the HPACK frame. This caused any HPACK table mutations to also be skipped, resulting in a desynchronization of HPACK tables between sender and receiver. If leveraged, say, between a proxy and a backend, this could lead to requests from the proxy being interpreted as containing headers from different proxy clients - leading to an information leak that can be used for privilege escalation or data exfiltration. We recommend upgrading beyond the commit contained in 


CVE-2023-32732 (

gRPC contains a vulnerability whereby a client can cause a termination of connection between a HTTP2 proxy and a gRPC server: a base64 encoding error for `-bin` suffixed headers will result in a disconnection by the gRPC server, but is typically allowed by HTTP2 proxies. We recommend upgrading beyond the commit in 


Fixes in 1.54.0 and onwards, please bump.