Attempting to work with other groups within Gentoo can be rather pointless. For over a month now Hardened has had it's 2005.0 release ready. We postponed our 2005.x release as I did not want to steal releng thunder by causing any confusion with Hardened 2005.0 being ready. Being that Hardened is a TLP and can release on it's own schedule I delayed it to be nice. There were complainants within Gentoo about Hardened acting as it's own entity, so I made an active effort to work with releng for this release. Putting the announcement in it's hands. Release day comes and there is absolutely no mention of hardened anywhere. Nothing. zip. Probably an oversight but this just shows how disorganized and incompetent that group really is. Anyway wanted to let you guys know that any respect I had for releng has been destroyed and the treatment they from me over the next few months has been well earned.
incompetent was a bad choice of words. None the less it sadens me that we got overlooked all together.