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Bug 865117 (gcc-13) - [TRACKER] sys-devel/gcc-13 porting
Summary: [TRACKER] sys-devel/gcc-13 porting
Alias: gcc-13
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal normal
Assignee: Gentoo Toolchain Maintainers
Keywords: Tracker
Depends on: 892409 893984 895204 895268 895536 895560 895694 899752 899756 900146 900404 907305 914888 915384 915865 832218 865119 865211 865213 865981 868693 875569 875575 875785 878527 878531 879615 883719 885315 885423 885431 886129 888477 889724 890847 891643 891713 892411 892419 892423 892431 892435 892465 892495 892499 892501 892503 892523 892814 892850 892852 892882 893410 893428 893958 893972 893982 894612 894618 894628 894632 894720 894722 894730 894734 894738 894740 894742 894744 894782 894788 894992 895082 895088 895090 895092 895094 895096 895098 895116 895122 895130 895142 895146 895156 895192 895194 895196 895200 895202 895206 895208 895212 895216 895218 895222 895224 895226 895228 895232 895256 895264 895282 895298 895300 895304 895358 895374 895382 895384 895396 895420 895422 895426 895428 895432 895440 895476 895564 895566 895570 895572 895616 895690 895692 895696 895698 895700 895702 895706 895710 895760 895762 895776 895780 895814 895818 895860 896170 897874 897890 897978 898032 898634 898638 898748 898750 898756 898898 898902 898908 898910 898946 899028 899032 899034 899040 899218 899574 899616 899746 899748 899750 899754 899766 899768 899770 900244 900246 900607 900611 900675 900677 900729 901083 901231 902025 902469 902471 902887 903245 903259 903505 903554 903690 903771 903781 903868 903872 903873 904085 904086 904151 904268 904271 904339 904342 904343 904375 904513 904665 904714 904746 904878 905127 905140 905182 905209 905225 905262 905305 905313 905337 905364 905368 905370 905387 905420 905434 905438 905445 905451 905644 905657 905673 905750 905758 905778 905839 905929 906009 906102 906161 906250 906517 906581 906646 906914 906972 907084 907087 907091 907095 907374 907402 907597 907712 907746 907895 908432 908497 908686 908810 909544 909761 910540 910541 912416 912720 913108 914740 915056 915943 915985 916450 917098 920043
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2022-08-14 02:14 UTC by WANG Xuerui
Modified: 2024-06-04 17:03 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description WANG Xuerui gentoo-dev 2022-08-14 02:14:45 UTC
Please file individual bugs and have them block this one.
Comment 1 WANG Xuerui gentoo-dev 2022-08-14 02:26:25 UTC
One common failure mode: "error: uint64_t does not name a type" (same with other int types)

Solution: add "#include <cstdint>" somewhere appropriate.

Comment 2 YOSHIOKA Takuma 2023-04-27 14:17:29 UTC

Should I block this bug from the bugs for GURU packages?
Comment 3 Sam James archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2023-04-28 00:43:11 UTC
(In reply to YOSHIOKA Takuma from comment #2)
> Hi,
> Should I block this bug from the bugs for GURU packages?

We tend not to do that for overlays.