This package uses variables banned in some scopes. This may stop working in future versions of Portage. $ pkgcheck scan -k VariableScope app-cdr/cdrtools app-cdr/cdrtools VariableScope: version 3.02_alpha09: variable 'ED' used in 'src_prepare', lines 95, 96 VariableScope: version 3.02_alpha09-r3: variable 'ED' used in 'src_prepare', lines 106, 107 VariableScope: version 3.02_alpha09-r4: variable 'ED' used in 'src_prepare', lines 115, 116
I would like to resolve this, but I am not sure with what I should replace ED in this case. I am thinking about ESYSROOT. Would be great if you could confirm this or suggest something different and explain why.