When compiling media-libs/harfbuzz with Clang plus any optimization level greater than 0, the test phase will fail. When set to -O0, test phase passes. No such problems with GCC.
Created attachment 767202 [details] build.log test failure
Created attachment 767203 [details] build.log test passing
Thanks! Could you please report the issue upstream & link it here? Also, include /etc/portage/package.tmp/portage/media-libs/harfbuzz-4.0.1/work/harfbuzz-4.0.1-abi_x86_64.amd64/meson-logs/testlog.txt.
While looking for the test.log in abi_x86_64 I noticed it didn't exist and realized that's because the test phase failed before it got to the 64 bit tests. Those pass fine, just tested, adding a new build log.
Created attachment 767204 [details] build.log 64 bit optimized test passing
Upstream: https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/issues/3483
For clarity: I think the report is that tests fail when harfbuzz is compiled for 32-bit x86.
FWIW this is a Clang + LLVM toolchain built system. I've been doing more testing on this. It seems to do with dev-libs/glib, will report more when I can whittle it down to what's causing the problem.
Fixed upstream by https://github.com/harfbuzz/harfbuzz/commit/c69ec6f5bb42f9efe56e9c8086624458a359c5ae
Created attachment 789155 [details, diff] clang-tests.patch Including the patch if needed until it merges downstream.
It's in >=5.0.0.